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View user audit logs

The Audit search view of FA Admin Console allows you to access audit logs that track user activity and system events such as report data and market price updates in FA apps.

audit search view.png

Viewing options

You can:

  • Search the table by user, target ID, or applications (fields at the top) or the quick search bar (indicated by the quick-search.png icon).

    Refresh the table content by clicking refresh.png at the top right.

    Export the audit logs as an XLSX file by clicking Export.

    Adjust the table (see Adjust the view) and group the table information by certain columns (click settings.png and then Group by).

Adjust the view

You can adjust the table layout and specify the search criteria and then save these modifications for later:

  1. Make your adjustments. You can:

    • Adjust columns.

      • Show or hide columns (columns.png).

      • Reorder by dragging and dropping.

      • Change the width by dragging the boundary.

      • Sort by clicking the column name.

    • Adjust table row density (density.png).

    • Filter the table based on column content (filters.png).

    • Search the table with the search fields at the top of the view.

  2. Click save.png and enter a name for the view.

  3. Click Save.

The adjustments are saved as a view, including the search fields at the top. You can now:

  • Set a saved view as the default. To do this, click the Saved views field or saved_views.png, and then click the star icon set-as-default.png next to the saved view.

  • Open a saved view, work with it and make changes to it, and then use restore.png to restore the view to its previously saved settings.

  • Clear the saved view and return to the initial system view (click Screenshot_2024-09-02_at_16_52_30.png in the Saved views field).

  • Rename or delete saved views (click saved_views.png to open the saved views sidepane).

Available audit search information

The following information is shown for the logs:


The type of action performed by the user, such as logging in, creating a portfolio, generating a report, or calculating NAV.


The FA app where the action was performed.


Attachment with the log details. You can download the attachment as a TXT file by clicking download.png or preview the attachment in the side pane by clicking view.png.

Component ID

The system component where the action was performed.

Event ID

Reference of the event that generated the log.

Log level

The log levels to view: "info", "warn" or "error".

Log time

The date and time of the user action.


Log message describing the user action. You can expand long messages by clicking settings.png and then Expand all messages.

IP address

User's IP address.


The FA application view where the action was performed.


The log table where the action was recorded. The Audit user log records user actions. The Audit system log records system operations.

Target ID

The ID of the object the user viewed, modified, or created – for example, portfolio ID or transaction ID.

Target type

The type of object the user viewed, modified, or created – for example, portfolio or transaction.


User ID.

Customer information logs

FA records logging in and out, opening windows, making selections in Overview, searches, report generations, and PDF and XLXS exports. Each audit log entry includes details about the user, time, and screen, and information the user accessed or exported.

FA Back logs




Log in / log out

Log in or log out

User [userId] logged in / logged out

View information

Open the Contact, Portfolio, Security, Transaction, Trade order, or Contract window

User [userId] opened contact [contactId]

User [userId] opened portfolio [portfolioId]

User [userId] opened security [securityId]

User [userId] opened transaction/ trade order/ contract [transactionId]

Open the Group window

User [userId] opened group [groupId].

Select a group, contact, or portfolio:

  • Group, customer, portfolio dropdown in the Overview, Positions, Market price, Analytics+ view

  • Portfolio hierarchy tree in the  Overview

User [userId] selected group [groupId] on [screenId]

User [userId] selected contact [contactId] on [screenId]

User [userId] selected portfolio [portfolioId] on [screenId]

Visible columns


Show all on a search view

User [userId] searched all on [screenId]

Visible columns

Perform a search in the Contacts, Customers, Portfolios, Securities, Transactions, Trade orders, or Bookkeeping view

viewUser [userId] made a search on [screenId]

  • "Where" clause of the SQL

  • Visible columns

Manage documents

Upload a document or link

User [userId] uploaded file [file name] to directory [directory path]

Rename a document (right-click a document → Modify document)

User [userId] renamed file [file name] to [new file name] in directory [directory path]

Upload a new file version to replace the old one

User [userId] modified file [file name] in directory [directory path]

Modify document tags

User [userId] adjusted document [file name] tags to [tags] on [screenId]

Delete a document (right-click a document → Delete document)

User [userId] deleted file [file name] to directory [directory path]

Open a link

User [userId] opened link [file name] from directory [directory path]

Export data

Export as XLS/PDF in Overview (main tab), Overview (saved report tabs), Analytics+, Positions, Market price, Customers, Contacts, Portfolios, Securities, Transactions, Trade orders, or Bookkeeping

User [userId] exported XLS/ PDF from [screenId]

Visible columns

Export as CSV

User [userId] exported posting rules in rule set [ruleSetId] as CSV

Generate reports

Generate a report via NewNew report menu

User [userId] generated a report

  • Portfolio IDs passed to the report

  • Parameters from Report window

Generate a report in a search view (Customers, Contacts, Portfolios, or Positions)

User [userId] generated a report on [screenId]

  • Portfolio IDs passed to the report

  • Parameters from Report window

Generate a report in Transactions or Trade orders view

User [userId] generated a report on [screenId]

  • Transaction IDs passed to the report

  • Parameters from Report window

Update report data

Recalculate reports for the group, customer, or portfolio by clicking UpdateRecalculate all report data of the selected group/customer/portfolio

User [userId] clicked full report recalculation for [group/customer/portfolio] [customer/portfolio database ID or group code]

Recalculate all reports by clicking UpdateRecalculate all report data of all portfolios

User [userId] clicked full report recalculation for all portfolios

Recalculate purchase lot data by clicking UpdateRecalculate purchase lot and report data separately for all portfoliosRecalculate purchase lot data for all portfolios

User [userId] clicked purchase lot recalculation for all portfolios

Recalculate report data by clicking UpdateRecalculate purchase lot and report data separately for all portfoliosRecalculate report data for all portfolios

User [userId] clicked report recalculation for all portfolios

Run nightly report calculation by clicking UpdateRe-run the nightly report data update for all portfolios

User [userId] clicked nightly report calculation for all portfolios

Recalculate transaction effects for some portfolios by clicking UpdateRecalculate transaction effects of selected group/customer/portfolio

User [userId] clicked transaction effect recalculation for [group/customer/portfolio] [customer/portfolio database ID or group code]

Recalculate transaction effects for all portfolios by clicking UpdateRecalculate transaction effects of all portfolios

User [userId] clicked transaction effect recalculation for all portfolios

Save and update reports in the Market price view

User [userId] clicked Save and update reports in MarketPrice/Market+price

Modify market prices in the Security window → Save

User [userId] closed the Security window after modifying market data for security [security ID]

Modify the ex-post costs in the Security window → Save

User [userId] closed the Security window after modifying ex-post costs for security [security ID]

Modify multipliers, maturity date, or fixing info in the Security window → Save

User [userId] clicked Save and close (update) in Security window for security [security ID]

Update transaction type

User [userId] clicked Update on transaction type [code] in Preference

Import market prices

User [userId] clicked Save security prices in Import window

Import securities

User [userId] clicked Save securities in Import window

FA Front logs




Log in / log out

Log in / log out

User [userId] logged in / logged out

View information

Select a customer in the Toolbar (selection changes)

User [userId] selected contact [contactId] on [screenId]

Select a portfolio in the Toolbar (selection changes)

User [userId] selected portfolio [portfolioId] on [screenId]

Select All portfolios in the Toolbar (selection changes)

User [userId] selected "All portfolios" on [screenId]

Portfolio IDs

Generate report

Generate a report from the Report gadget by clicking a report button

User [userId] generated a report on [screenId]

Report configurations (under reportConfigurations in UI json)

Generate a report from the Datagrid gadget by clicking a report button

User [userId] generated a report on [screenId]

Report configurations (under reportConfigurations in UI json)

FA Fund management logs




NAV calculation started from side panel

User [userId] started NAV calculation for [portfolioId] on date [date]

NAV calculation triggered for multiple funds

User [userId] triggered NAV calculation for funds [portfolioIds]

NAV acceptance

User [userId] accepted NAV for fund [fundId] on date [date]

Log file of NAV acceptance process and its details

NAV rollback

User [userId] triggered NAV roll back for fund [fundId]

Log file of NAV rollback process and its details

Unit certificate creation

User [userId] generated unit certificate for share class [shareclassId] successfully

Report generation

User [userId] generated report [reportId] for fund [fundId] for date [date]

Fund reporting

User [userId] calculated reporting data for fund [fundId] on date [date]

User [userId] accepted fund reporting data for fund [fundId] on date [date]

Log file of fund reporting process and its details

Fund settings update

User [userId] updated share class [shareclassId]

User [userId] updated fund [fundId]

Fund company update

User [userId] updated fund companies

A list of updated fund company contact database IDs

Dividend update

User [userId] updated dividend with share class [shareclassId] and date [date]

Dividend generation start

User [userId] started generating dividends on share class [shareclassId] and date [date]

Dividend generation finish

User [userId] finished generating dividends on share class [shareclassId] and date [date] for [X number of] portfolios

Dividend transaction deletion

User [userId] deleted transactions of a dividend with share class [shareclassId] and date [date]

Dividend execution

User [userId] triggered dividend generation for a dividend with share class [shareclassId] and date [date] for [X number of] portfolios

Dividend rollback

User [userId] rolled back failed dividend execution with share class [shareclassId] and date [date]

Tax configuration update

User [userId] updated tax configurations

System setting change logs

The FA system tracks changes in system settings that affect FA functionality and system logic.

FA Back logs




Manage preferences

Account set changes in PreferenceBookkeepingAccount set

User [userId] created/modified/deleted account set [account set code]

Changes in JSON format. When creating or deleting a set, all the attributes of the set and accounts are listed. Modification shows the change, the old set, and the new one.

Analytics+ columns changes in PreferenceContent and translationsAnalytics+ columns

User [userId] changed Analytics+ custom column definition for [CUSTOM_COLUMN_CODE]

Changes in JSON format. Modifying the current definition displays changes, the old value set, and the new set. Creating a new one will only show the new column in JSON format.

Permissions changes: any time a permission is changed in PreferenceAdministrationPermissions

User [userId] changed permissions: {permission change}

Changes in JSON format. Describes the change, the old permission set, and the new one after the change.

Posting rule changes in PreferenceBookkeepingPosting rules

User [userId] created/modified/deleted posting rule in rule set [ruleset code] id [rule ID]

Changes in JSON format. When creating/deleting a rule, all the attributes are listed. Modification shows the change, the old set, and the new one.

Posting rule import in PreferenceBookkeepingPosting rules

User [userId] imported posting rules in rule set [rule set code]

Lists all the attributes of all the rules in the imported file as one big list.

Security type changes in PreferenceSecuritiesSecurity types

User [userId] created/modified/deleted security type [security type code]

Changes in JSON format. When creating/deleting a type, all the attributes are listed. Modification shows the change, the old set, and the new one.

Administer the FA system

Generate or delete API token in AdministrationAPIKey management

User [userId] created/deleted API token [token name]

Process configuration changes in AdministrationProcessesAvailable processes / DeploymentConfigure process

User [userId] added/modified/deleted configurations of process [processId]

Changes in JSON format

Install, upgrade, or uninstall extensions in AppStore

User [userId] installed/upgraded/uninstalled process/report/widget/query/action/profile/formula [package name] [package version, except if it's an uninstall]

Note: FA AppStore is not in use anymore, and you should not install anything from it.

FA Admin Console logs




Manage system-level files

Rename a file

User [userId] renamed [file name] on directory [directory path]

Move or copy a file

User [userId] moved/copied [file name] from [directory path] to [directory path]

Delete a file

User [userId] deleted [file or directory name] from [directory path]

Create a directory

User [userId] created directory [directory path]

Upload or download a file

User [userId] uploaded/downloaded [file name] to/from [directory path]

Manage users

Add a user

User [userId] created new user [userId 1]

Update user information

User [userId] updated user [userId 1] [updated property] from [old value] to [new value]

Enable/disable two-factor authentication

User [userId] enabled/disabled two-factor authentication for user [userId 1]

Force password reset

User [userId] forced password reset for user [userId 1]

User [userId] forced password reset for 2 users. Affected users: [userId 1], [userId 2]

Full message listing all users

Unblock a user (brute force detection)

User [userId] unblocked user [userId 1]

Log out a user from all sessions

User [userId] force logged out user [userId 1]

Activate a user

User [userId] activated user [userId 1]

User [userId] activated 2 users. Affected users: [userId 1], [userId 2]

Full message listing all users

Deactivate a user

User [userId] deactivated user [userId 1]

User [userId] deactivated 2 users. Affected users: [userId 1], [userId 2]

Full message listing all users

Add roles

Add rolesUser [userId] added user [userId 1] to groups: [group 1], [group 2]

User [userId] added 2 users to groups: [group 1], [group 2]. Affected users: [userId 1], [userId 2]

Full message listing all groups and users

Remove roles

User [userId] removed user [userId 1] from groups [group 1], [group 2]

User [userId] removed 2 users from groups: [group 1]. Affected users: [userId 1], [userId 2]

Full message listing all groups and users