Norwegian VFF fund report
The VFF fund report is a text (.txt) report required by Verdipapirfondenes Forening (VFF). It includes information about subscriptions, redemptions, reinvested dividend, and more, in fund securities distributed by the reporter.
Generate the report in FA Back
To generate VFF report in FA Back, open the Report window and select "VFF Fund Report (TXT)" from the report list, a portfolio or a group of portfolios, a date period (start and end date), and "TXT" as a file format. For more detailed instructions on how to generate reports, see Report window.
Report fields description and configuration
Field 1 (Fond-ID)
Content: ISIN code of the share class security.
Configure: Modify the ISIN in the share class Security window (see the description of the Basic info tab in the Security window).
Field 2 (Fondets navn)
Content: Name of the share class security.
Configure: Modify the Name in the share class Security window (see the description of the Basic info tab in the Security window ).
Field 3 (Rapporteringsperiode)
Content: End date of the reporting period chosen when generating the report (formatted as
Configure: Automatically derived.
Field 4 (Kategori)
Content: Shareholder category (a number 1-8) based on the shareholder portfolio VFF group tag.
Configure: Default value is "6" (corresponding to "Annet institusjon"). To indicate other values in the report, add a "VFF-" category tag to the shareholder portfolio(s) (for details, see Portfolio window). For example, portfolio tag "VFF-1 IPA" translates to 1 in this field, and corresponds to the category "IPA". Available VFF tags are:
VFF-2 Unit Linked
VFF-3 Innskuddspensjon
VFF-4 Utland
VFF-5 Annet person
VFF-6 Annet institusjon
VFF-7 Nominee personkunder
VFF-8 Nominee institusjonskunder
Field 5 (Tegning (brutto))
Content: Summary of gross price (in thousand-NOK units) of all subscriptions and shares from dividend transactions (transaction types "SUB", "DIVAS") by the shareholder category in the corresponding share class. Including transactions from shareholders that have redeemed all shares within the chosen reporting period.
Configure: Automatically derived.
Field 6 (Innløsning (brutto))
Content: Summary of gross price (in thousand-NOK units) of all redemption transactions (transaction type "RED") by the shareholder category in the corresponding share class. Includes transactions from shareholders that have redeemed all shares within the chosen reporting period.
Configure: Automatically derived.
Field 7 (Reinvestert utbytte)
Content: Summary of gross price (in thousand-NOK units) of all new shares from dividend (transaction type "DIVAS") in the corresponding share class, received by the shareholder category. Includes transactions from shareholders that have redeemed all shares within the chosen reporting period.
Configure: Automatically derived.
Field 8 (Forvaltningskapital)
Content: Market value (in thousand-NOK units) per report end date from units owned by the shareholder category in the corresponding share class.
Configure: Automatically derived.
Field 9 (Antall kundeforhold)
Content: Number of unique unit holders in the corresponding share class and shareholder category.
Configure: Automatically derived.