FA Back 3.17 - Release notes
Released: January 2023
FA Back 3.17 provides you with easier access to FA Helpdesk. Also, it lets you follow and notify if your or your clients' voting rights in a company go above or below certain limits. This version provides you with some smaller bug fixes.
Access Helpdesk from Global app bar
The ticket icon in the Global app bar makes it easier for you to reach out to FA with your questions and problems. Click on the icon to access our Helpdesk.
Include all relevant information in your message – this way we can understand the issue and find an answer faster. When reaching out to us, please add a subject that indicates the actual issue. Add a detailed description of your issue, including which module you are referring to and steps to reproduce your case. We recommend that you attach pictures because they explain a lot to us.
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Learn more: Accessing global actions in FA Back reference.
Mechanism to track major holdings
If you have to notify authorities about major holdings and proportions of voting rights, you can now more easily do that in FA. FA Back 3.17 lets you follow if your or your clients voting rights in a company go above or below certain limits. You can use the calculations in your custom reports or when setting up limits.
You can find the new Votes per share field in the Security window. With information entered in this new field and in the Outstanding units field, Analytics+ can calculate new columns as:
Total votes = Total votes available for the security
Votes = Your total votes in the security
Votes % = Your %- share of the total votes
These figures are available both on security level and aggregated up to issuer level.
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Learn more: Security window's Basic info and Basic measures in FA Back reference.
Posting rules import with details in “Class settings” now works correctly.
Analytics+ GraphQL API now correctly requires a permission to view portfolios to be able to fetch data.
When using Analytics+ microservice in the background, analytics now shows correct values also for columns with time periods longer than the time period selected for analysis. For example, if you have selected "Previous month" as the time period for your analysis, the "12M" columns will still show data for 12 months. Before, data was only shown for the selected time period (e.g. "Previous month") regardless of the time periods associated with the selected columns.
Security analysis now works correctly when the analytics is called through GraphQL directly under the security object.
Fixed an issue where allocation history is displayed in duplicate, both in current and historical allocation when the allocation for a security has changed.
Data aggregation
Adding or updating transactions and trade orders with an external ID for portfolios with a large number of transactions is now optimized.
Fixed stability issues in mass-importing huge quantities of data into an FA programmatically through the importer-general queue.
Portfolio management
Now it’s possible to run limits on trade orders even if you have a limit that is not properly configured. The wrongly configured limit will have the “not analyzed” status.
Pre-trade limits are no longer visible twice in the trade order window, after you have removed or added a new pre-trade limit to the portfolio.
Cashflows on transactions and trade orders are now calculated correctly in situations where transaction configuration “confirmation if account balance is less than the trade amount of the transaction” or “confirmation if amount of the security is less than the amount of the transaction” is disabled in Preferences.
Fixed an issue where it would potentially be possible to run the same upgrade script from different instances and which could ruin the upgrade process of FA Back.
Updates to FA Back 3.17
FA Back 3.17.1 Release notes
FA Back 3.17.1 is an update to FA Back 3.17. This update includes the following fixes:
GraphQL API for creating trade orders now supports execution method and accrual.
Account tags no longer disappear if the account is edited multiple times in a row before saving.
The Portfolio Account window now has a scroll bar when editing and you are able to see all tags.
Fixed an issue where the transaction got calculated multiple times if you re-opened the transaction, clicked save and then changed the transaction date forward in time from its original transaction date.
Splits are now calculated correctly to the parent portfolio, if FIFO (combined) is used and the same security is available in multiple sub-portfolios.
Improved error handling when rapidly queueing up a large number of report calculations.
Fixed an issue where a parent portfolio would get positions from other portfolios that are not its sub-portfolio in cases when Aggregation of sub-portfolios is set to "Recalculate values".
Positions view now correctly support limited visibility when the user makes a search with Enter instead of the search button.
Flowable processes with Forms stopped working in 3.17 due to an issue in the validation logic. The issue is now fixed, and Flowable processes with Forms work again.
FA Back 3.17.2 Release notes
FA Back 3.17.2 is an update to FA Back 3.17. This update includes the following fixes and improvements:
Fixed an issue where benchmark TWR (Bm twr) aggregation failed for certain types of short and long position combinations in Analytics+. The scenario occurred if the positions had large weights and the sum was a small number (one positive weight and one negative weight).
FA Back doesn't anymore overwrite preferences with default values if there are database connection issues during the startup.
Made security improvements.
FA Back 3.17.3 Release notes
FA Back 3.17.3 is an update to FA Back 3.17. This update includes the following fixes:
Improved the functionality of exercising put and call options by introducing a new transaction type effect that handles both cash flows and purchase values. This improvement also removed the adjustments in the P/L value report as an effect when options were exercised.
Removed unnecessary validations which prevented using forms as intended.
“Reload roles from Keycloak” functionality now updates roles used in multi-Front setups.
Importing JSON format to profiles now works when using a standard importer.
Before, running certain extensions might have led to errors if running them right after the system restarted. This was due to all required scripts not being compiled and ready right after restart. Now in such a scenario, the required scripts are compiled on the fly, ensuring that extensions relying on them can be run at any time.
Removed old content from FA AppStore landing page. FA landing page is now empty when navigating to it.
FA Back 3.17.4 Release notes
FA Back 3.17.4 is an update to FA Back 3.17. This update includes the following fixes:
Fixed an issue in the Limits tab on portfolios when using Votes % and Holdings %. When having a set up with multiple values only the initial Limit value would be displayed. The fix now displays all the values for multiple limits set up.
Fixed an issue that prevented FA Front from starting up in certain situations.
Importer API does now allow importing integers from Forms.
FA version 3.17.3 has a fix for removing old content from FA AppStore landing page. The fix did not remove the content in all situations and this is now fixed and old content should now be removed.
In FA 3.16 we introduced a new document library and because of this, it’s not possible to upgrade FA directly past any 3.16 version (e.g. upgrading from 3.14 to 3.17 or later). The reason is that a document library migration procedure must be done in 3.16. If trying to upgrade past any 3.16 version, FA shows an error message on the log and the upgrade will be shut down.
FA Back 3.17.5 Release notes
FA Back 3.17.5 is an update to FA Back 3.17. This update includes the following fixes:
The Scandinavian letters "Å", "Ä", "Ö" are now correctly visible on CSV reports e.g. Transaction (export).
Fixed an issue in Analytics+: when changes in the security allocation sector were made, IRR on the grouped value would display off values. This issue would occur if an allocation was changed from sector A to B. The IRR on each sector would still be correct but not on the group level. The fix included correcting the underlying cashflows which was the cause of the issue.