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FA Admin Console 1.11 - Release notes

Released: October 2022

FA Admin Console 1.11 provides you with an opportunity to browse audit logs with an easy search view. You can also view the information about the user's last five logins in the user details.

Audit search to browse audit logs

You can now browse audit logs in the Audit search view. Audit logs tell you who did what in your environment. FA tracks logged-in users in the background and saves audit logs from each application. Before, you needed to understand how to create database queries to search audit logs. Now, you can type your search criteria and view the results. Once you made your search, you can filter the results further using the columns’ filters.

You can use the feature for auditing purposes. It is easy to check who viewed information or made changes, and when. You can specify searches with the date and time, user, application, and Target ID. Target ID allows you to search audit logs related to a single item, for example, a single contact, portfolio, or transaction. Use the database ID of the item to do the search.

In this view, we combine audit logs from both user audit and system audit. User audit contains user actions and system audit system actions that happen in the background. These audit logs track changes made and user activities (for example, which contact was viewed, or which report was generated).

We limited the search results that are shown to 2000 from each audit source, to ensure the search doesn't take too long. You can use the search criteria and filters to narrow down your search to find the audit log entries you are looking for.


Learn more: Audit search view in FA Admin Console reference.Audit search view

User’s last login times in the User details pane

You can view five user's last logins in the user management view, User details pane. This is useful if you want to follow if the user is active or not.


Learn more: User details pane in FA Admin Console reference.User details pane

FA Admin Console 1.11.1 Release notes

FA Admin Console 1.11.1 is an update to FA Admin Console 1.11. This update includes the following fix:

  • Fixed an issue related to the fine-grained access rights within File manager.