Document management
FA’s document management allows you to store documents under contacts, portfolios, securities, transactions and trade orders.
Search, download, upload, modify and delete documents - you can upload documents to the system or store links to the documents that are publicly available. As an administrator, you can access and manage all documents and links to documents stored in the system - for other users, documents are only shown for the security, contact, portfolio, transaction or trade order they are linked to. You can search for all documents stored in the system, download them, upload new documents, rename existing documents, and delete any documents. The system also keeps track of document creator and last modification date and time.
Organize documents into folders and tag documents to categorize them - you can move documents from one folder to another, or tag documents to categorize them across folders.
Mass-delete documents - you can also mass-delete all documents matching your search criteria in one go.
Validate document uploads – for security reasons, the system allows you to upload only certain file types, and you can define the maximum file size, how many documents you can upload, and with what frequency.
Send documents for signing - you can notify your clients about uploaded documents waiting for signing. Your client can sign a document using Signicat Digital Identity and Signing.