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Import dividends and splits in MT564 format files

The FA system allows you to import dividends and splits in MT564 format files and run them as corporate actions in FA Back. You can import dividends and splits in files that are in the ISO15022 standard MT564 format.

To import dividends or splits manually, do the following:

  1. Go to Tools → Import file → Corporate actions in MT564 format and upload the MT564 file.

  2. Check the result in the Tasks view. Search for the task by the file name in All tasks and All completed tasks.

  3. Click on the task and review its details. You can see how many rows were imported successfully and how many failed. For failed rows, you can also see the failure reason.

  4. Open the Corporate actions view to run the corporate actions. Follow the instructions in step 2 of Record and run corporate actions to client portfolios.

You can also automate the file upload with Camel routes (see File integrations in FA Developer guide). The file path for uploading is /back-writable/fa/import/general/csv-auto/mt564.

Fields imported for splits

The table below lists the fields in the MT564 file that the system uses to create split corporate actions.

Field in FA

Field in MT564

Split date

Field 98A RDTE in sequence CADETL

Split ratio

Field 92D NEWO in sequence SECMOVE

Security code

Field 35B in sequence USECU

Fields imported for dividends

The table below lists the fields in the MT564 file that the system uses to create dividend corporate actions.

Field in FA

Field in MT564

Ex-dividend date

Field 98A XDTE in sequence CADETL

Settlement date

Field 98A PAYD in sequence CASHMOVE

Dividend per share

Field 92J GRSS in sequence CASHMOVE

Security code

Field 35B in sequence USECU