Define posting rules for currency account profit and loss
If you have security transactions with settlements towards foreign currency accounts, you need a separate posting rule to capture the profit and loss on the account. Define the posting rule in Preference → Bookkeeping → Posting rule as <Transaction type> + CURRENCY (security base type). Example: Buy + CURRENCY.
You need to define posting rules for all transaction types involved in security transactions that can have settlements to foreign currency accounts. Typically, the following transaction types are affected:
Expiration short
Cash flow in (FX Contracts)
Cash flow out (FX Contracts)
Example: Buy USD stock
In this example, you have a portfolio in the currency NOK and you have deposited 1 000 000 USD into your USD account at a rate of 9,50. You define the following posting rule for transactions when buying stocks (Buy + STOCK):
You buy 3000 Apple stocks with 1 000 000 USD at an exchange rate of 9,70.
As a result, the system generates the following postings:
This does not capture the loss on the settlement side. There is no profit or loss on the stock, but the currency account has a loss: (9,50 NOK/USD - 9,70 NOK/USD) * 1 000 000 USD = 200 000 NOK. You need to define another posting rule as Buy + CURRENCY:
As a result, the postings now capture the 200 000 NOK loss: