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Portfolio Management


FA’s real-time, transaction-based portfolio management provides you with an overview of your portfolios, holdings, and trades now or for any other time in the past. FA's Portfolio Management is a base for your Investment Book of Records (IBOR).


Manage your data

  • Add, modify and delete contacts, portfolios, securities, market prices and transactions - store relevant details for each type of data and manage the hierarchy of the data - who owns a portfolio, which portfolio transactions belong to and which securities transactions are linked to.

  • Adjust data-related preferences - configure the options available in your categorizations and classifications on different levels to control what information you can store on different levels.

  • Store documents on your contacts, portfolios, securities and transactions - upload documents on different levels, and categorize, rename or remove them through document management.

Search and access your data

  • Search for data through search views - search views for contacts, portfolios, securities and transactions allow you to browse through and access your data. Select columns you want to view your data with, filter the data through selected columns, or use search criteria to save your search for later use.

  • Manage one customer on the Overview - view and modify one portfolio, one customer's portfolios, or a group of portfolios in one screen. Portfolio hierarchy allows you to view investments and transactions aggregated on different levels, and other sections allow you to access basic information, memos, or documents.

  • Search for positions - search which portfolios contain a position in specific security on a specific date.

  • View latest market prices and mass-update them - search for latest market price entires in certain portfolios for specific types of securities and manually mass-add new market price entries for multiple securities for a specific date.

Position valuation

  • Real-time transaction-based calculation - positions are calculated based on transactions in the system. When saving a transaction, position data in FA is directly up-to-date, and report recalculation is triggered to recalculate report data for analysis and reports.

  • Configurable position valuation based on FIFO or average price - positions are valued-based on valuation method selected for a portfolio or based on valuation method fixed for a security type. For example, you can valuate all future positions with FIFO even when your portfolios are set for the average price.

  • The daily market value of positions - with daily end-of-day prices and FX rates stored under your securities, the system automatically calculates the daily market value of your positions and portfolios. In addition, accrued interest is automatically calculated for bond instruments when relevant fixing information has been filled in.

  • Aggregation of positions - FIFO is always done per portfolio, but positions can be aggregated up to view combined positions of multiple portfolios. You can set up portfolio structure to apply currency conversion when aggregating portfolios.


  • Store your contact information - you can store your contacts with all relevant data, including for example juridical form (such as private person or company), classifications, identity, tax country, nationality, language and external IDs (such as LEI or SSN). In addition, you can use tags, key figures and custom fields to store more details, and maintain notes related to your contacts.

  • Add, modify and delete address information - you can store multiple addresses on each of your contacts, including for example postal address, email, and phone numbers. You can use addresses for example for communication and reporting.

  • Define representative structures within your contacts - you can define who represents your contact, for example, your advisors can represent their own customers and your customers can represent their companies or children. A contact can have multiple representatives that can differ by representation type. Representative structures can be used to allow access to other contacts' information.

  • Define transaction numbering either on contact or portfolio level - control whether you want the system to automatically generate a running external ID to your transactions on a portfolio level, or if your contact has multiple portfolios, on contact level to maintain unique numbering among contact's all portfolios.


  • Store your portfolio information - you can store your portfolios with all relevant data, including for example type, custody, language, juridical form, tax country and external IDs (for example for reconciliation or transaction aggregation). In addition, you can use tags, key figures and custom fields to store more details, and maintain notes related to your portfolios.

  • Select reporting currency and valuation method for each portfolio - each portfolio's investments are valuated in the reporting currency you select for the portfolio, allowing you to valuate different portfolios in different currencies. You can also convert the portfolio's investments to another currency for reporting. In addition, each portfolio's investments are valuated either with FIFO or average price, depending on the valuation method you select for the portfolio.

  • Add, modify and delete account information - store multiple cash accounts in different currencies in your portfolio to follow your portfolio's cash balance in different currencies. You can store account details, such as account number, BIC code and mandate reference, categorize your accounts based on their purpose, and store relevant information for calculating account interest. In addition to cash accounts, you can maintain accounts for other purposes - for example, you can have credit accounts, accounts for accruals, loans, and store account numbers for payments.

  • Follow your portfolio's performance against a benchmark - link your portfolio to a general benchmark or define a portfolio-specific benchmark to follow your portfolio's return against the benchmark. You can define composite benchmarks (e.g. 60 % of index A and 40 % of index B), index values in different currencies are converted to portfolio currency with available FX rates, and you can define a benchmark consisting of an index and a fixed annual return. Your benchmark content can vary over time, and you can set up the interpolated benchmark, with values gradually increasing or going down over the period of time.

  • Set up a strategy for your portfolio - you can set up a strategy and compare your portfolio's investments against it. A strategy is based on asset types with minimum and maximum shares. You can set up an interpolated strategy, with allocation shares gradually increasing or going down over the period.

  • Define portfolio hierarchies, ownership structures and asset management relationships - structure your portfolio hierarchy with two-level main-portfolio / sub-portfolio structures, and define primary and secondary owners for each portfolio. In addition, you can define who manages your portfolio - for example, your advisors can manage their own customers' portfolios.

  • Generate running number as a portfolio ID - you can let the system automatically generate a running number for your portfolios' IDs.

  • Group your portfolios manually or with dynamic criteria - group your portfolios for searching, reporting and other actions that affect multiple portfolios at once. You can either manually maintain portfolio groups, or define dynamic groups with criteria to automatically add or remove a portfolio from a dynamic group.


  • Store your security information - store your securities with all relevant data, including for example type, country, marketplace, settlement place, issuer, rating, and different codes (ISIN code, trade code and update codes to identify your security for example for different connectors). In addition, you can use tags, key figures and custom fields to store more details, and maintain notes related to your securities.

  • Add, modify and delete classifications and allocations - categorize your securities either with static classifications or three-level allocations. Your security's allocation can vary over time, and consist of multiple asset types with percentage shares. For example, you can maintain "geographical allocation" with levels for "continent" and "country" and "GICS allocation" with levels for "sector" and "industry". You can use classifications and allocations for thorough reporting and analysis.

  • Define details for bond-related calculations - define issue and maturity information together with fixing information (day count convention, frequency, fixing %, stub convention, business day contention, ex-coupon period and yield convention) for the system to calculate accrued interests on your bond investments. In addition to fixed-rate bonds, you can define individual fixings for floating rate notes, or define calculation details for index-linked bonds. You can also generate fixings for floating rate notes based on the base instrument and spread defined for the security.

  • Store security-related cost information - store different cost details, such as management fee or kickback %, minimum trade amount, or a time-series of ex-ante and ex-post cost percentages for each of your securities.

  • Define holiday calendar and settlement date offset - select a holiday calendar to distinguish between holidays and business days in your security's market and define a settlement date offset for settlement date handling. For example, you can define your securities to settle t+2, taking into account weekends.

  • Link your security to another security or portfolio - to follow up underlying structures, you can link your security to another security (for example, you can link options, future and other derivatives to underlying instruments), or link your security to a portfolio in the system (for example, you can link funds and structured products to underlying portfolios).

  • Link external information to your security through an URL - link information available online to your security through an URL. For example, you can store an URL pointing to KIID, brochures or other details of your security, and access the information internally and make it available externally for your clients (see Access for clients).

  • Mass-modify unused securities to passive - mass-update your unused securities to "Passive". You can select from securities that are not linked to any open positions, or from securities that have never been purchased into any portfolio.

  • Group your securities manually or with dynamic criteria - group your securities to restrict the end client’s access to trading. You can either manually maintain security groups, or define dynamic groups with criteria to automatically add or remove a security from a dynamic group.

Security market prices

  • Add, modify and delete end-of-day market data for each security - you can store up to 5 end-of-day close prices under each security - market data is used to calculate the daily market value of your positions. You can decide for each security or portfolio which close price you want to use to calculate market values or fetch the price of a security from another security. In addition, you can use multipliers to manipulate the prices, for example, to convert prices in pence to GBP or to handle bond prices quoted in percentages.

  • Monitor market prices - you can also monitor your market prices to make sure your securities have gotten market prices recently enough and to make sure there have not been big changes in the prices. This allows you to ensure your market data and portfolio valuations are up-to-date.

  • Update the value of a security based on a linked portfolio - you can also update the market data of a security based on the value of a portfolio in the system. Value can be determined based on the market value of the portfolio, the indexed value of the portfolio, or as a fixed percentage from the previous price. This allows you to for example add a fixed percentage to an index, or to group return calculations for hedged positions.


  • Store your transaction information - you can store your transaction with all relevant data, including for example portfolio, type, reference, counter and external ID. In addition, you can use tags and descriptions to store more details.

  • Control when your transaction affects your portfolio - separately define transaction date (when your transaction occurs), settlement date (when your transaction settles) and payment date (when your transaction is paid) to control your transaction's effect on your position, settled position amounts and cash balance.

  • Validate your transactions' values - when entering transactions into the system, the system validates all calculations (units * unit price = price +/- costs and taxes = trade amount) to ensure the values match. Valid transaction data ensures the accuracy of all calculations.

  • Track your portfolio's cash balance - link your transactions to an account to directly follow your portfolio's cashflows and cash balance. For example, a buy transaction directly reduces your cash balance when linked to an account,

  • Handle relevant currency conversions between involved currencies - each transaction can involve up to three different currencies (security currency, account currency and portfolio currency), and you can define required FX rates between these three currencies to convert values to different currencies. Report FX rate is needed between security currency and portfolio currency and account FX rate between security currency and account currency - system always asks for FX rates needed for each transaction.

  • Record a break-down of costs with cost categorization - you can record a break-down of costs into your transaction, in order to identify and report all related costs separately. In addition, you can categorize all your transaction costs and cost transactions for reporting costs.

  • Differentiate between booked and original transaction values - in addition to transaction values, you can record booked values into your transactions, or valuate your transaction on a later date when transferring it into your portfolio while still recording original values for tax purposes. In addition, you can re-valuate your positions for example at year-end with new booked values.

  • Record transactions that depend on another security - define a transaction with second security and ratio when the transaction depends on another security than the transaction's security. For example, exchanges, issues and spin-offs are based on ownership of another security.

  • Mass-modify transaction status, tags or settlement date - you can change multiple transactions' status, tags or settlement date at once, allowing you to mass-modify this information.

  • Create transactions from positions - create a new transaction based on an existing position in your portfolio, or mass-create transactions to all portfolios that hold a position on specific security on a specific date.


  • Add, modify and delete contracts - when you save a contract, the system automatically generates relevant transactions and securities to store the contract information, open future cashflow positions in the beginning of the contract and generate cash flows for the end of the contract.

  • Define contract information with fields relevant for each contract type - you can define basic contract information, such as portfolio, reference, and counter, and contract-specific information, such as dates, currencies, values and accounts. Available fields depend on the contract type you select, allowing you to only enter information relevant for each contract type.

  • Valuate your FX contracts' future cashflows - set up interest rates in the system and define yield curves for each involved currency for the system to automatically valuate, or calculate the discounted net present value, of future cashflow positions induced by your contracts.

Other portfolio management tools

  • Create mark-to-market transactions on future positions - generate cashflows that correspond to the value changes of the future instrument to "realize" the profits/losses based on the difference between the position's purchase value and market value. You can generate mark-to-market as often you want, usually on daily basis.

  • Transfer assets between portfolios- move positions from one portfolio to another by filling in the number of units to transfer, or by defining percentage to transfer, when the system calculates the number of units. Transferring assets can be used to collateralize assets by transferring them to a locked collateral portfolio, or to transfer assets from one custody to another.

  • Check your portfolio's account balances - the system can automatically check your portfolio's accounts, identify all cash accounts with a negative balance, and issue a warning.

Supported types



Contact types

Customer, Asset manager, Counterparty, Accountant, Issuer, Custody, Lead

Configure your own subtypes for further categorization.

Portfolio types

Configure your own portfolio types for categorization.

Security types

Stocks, Funds, ETFs, Bonds, Currencies, Currency crosses, Cash, Indices, Real estate, Art and similar, Index-linked bonds, Futures, Forwards, Equity options, Interest rates, Discounts, FX Contracts (FX Spot, FX Forward, FX Swap), Private Equity, Loans, Cryptocurrencies.

Configure your own types and subtypes for further categorization.

Transaction types

Account interest, Accrued fees, Add, Add contract, Asset management fee, Borrow, Buy, Buy close, Buy from customer, Buy open, Capital return, Cashflow in / out, Cost, Coupon, Deferral of accrued interest, Deferral of price, Deposit, Dividend, Dividend as shares, Dividend withdrawal, Exchange, Exercise call / put, Expire, Fund exchange, Fund redemption / subscription, Future cashflow in / out, Interest, Issue, Kickback, Margin call, Mark to market, Mature, PE - Call, PE - Commit, PE - Cost, PE - Profit, PE - Profit with market value change, PE - Return of capital, PE - Return of capital, recallable, PE - Value change, Periodic fees, Profit, Profit share, Remove, Repay loan, Sell, Sell close, Sell open, Sell to customer, Split, Subscription, Subscription rights issue, Unit certificate, Unit holder deposit / withdrawal, Value adjustment, Withdrawal

Contract types

FX Spot, FX Forward, FX Swap