Customers view
The Customers view allows you to efficiently manage your customers and information related to them all at once - the Customers view is structured to allow you to access all relevant customer information easily from a single view. The Customer's view has been designed for CRM purposes and is especially useful for employees with customer responsibility: the view gathers all relevant information and allows you to view and edit anything related to your customers or your leads, prospects, and potential customers.
Customer's view is an add-on to FA - if you are interested, please contact FA for more details.
Searching for customers
The main page of the Customers view allows you to search for customers, and to save your frequently used searches as new tabs - for example, you can save all potential customers as their own tab. Customers view supports searching for customers of the type "Customer" or "Lead". Double-clicking a customer from the search result opens the customer information as a new tab. You can have multiple customers open at the same time - just browse through the the tabs to see information to view each customer.
The main page of the Customers view by default shows your own customers, in addition to which there is a possibility to search for your own customers with the My customers button. Customers view also supports Limited visibility, or only allowing your users to view certain customers.
In order to utilize own customers, first create a contact for yourself in FA. Link the contact directly your user through the Linked contact field within the user information in User management.
With this set up, your own customers will show:
The contacts you are a representative of.
The contacts of the portfolios you are an asset manager of.
The contact for you (e.g. the contact linked to the user.
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Mass-generating tasks
The main page of the Customers view also allows you mass generate tasks related to the customers you have searched on the view. This functionality allows you to easily create multiple, similar tasks linked to separate customers at once - all you need to do is to fill in the task information once, and a task with the same information is created to multiple customers.
In order to mass generate tasks, first search for the customers you want to generate tasks to. Second, create a task for all the searched customers you have visible on the screen with the Create tasks button at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Fill in the task information: when you save or complete the task, the system will create one individual task with the filled in information per customer you had searched on the Customers view. For example, if you have searched seven customers on the Customers view, clicked Create tasks, and defined a task, after clicking Save or Complete for the task, you would end up with seven separate tasks with the same content, each separate task linked to one of the searched customers.
Customer information page
The customer page, opened as a new tab with the customer's name, allows you to view all relevant customer information in one glance.
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The page consists of six parts:
Basic info shows relevant basic information of the customer, such as name, ID, address information and tags. Editing the customer's information in the Contact window is easy through the edit icon. In addition, basic information section shows the representatives of the selected customer as well as other customers the selected customer represents. Clicking one of the representatives or represents opens their information as a new tab on the view, providing you easy access to related customers.
Memo shows the information you have defined in the customer's memo. Single-click the memo to edit the contents of the memo, or double-click the memo to open it in the Contact window for editing. Memo is mainly targeted to storing static information related to the customer.
Processes section shows the customer-related processes defined for you, and you can run a process to the selected customer directly from the Customers view with a click of a button.
Tasks shows all open tasks linked to the selected customer. The tasks section on the Customers view allows you to save and keep track of every discussion and other form of interaction you have had with the customer, as regulated within the financial industry. You can record every meeting, phone call, email or other event related to the customer as a new task, describe what was discussed, and add attachments to complement the description. You can also link multiple customers to a single task, which brings up the task in every linked customer's tasks list.
Completed tasks shows all completed tasks linked to the selected customer. The completed tasks provides you with an overview of the interaction you or someone from your company has had with the customer. Filter the list to find a specific task, and double-click a single task to see comments and attachments linked to it.
Documents section allows you to manage the documents added to the selected customer: you can view, download and delete any of the documents, and you can add new documents related to the selected customer. If you want also to see the documents in the customer's portfolios or customer's portfolio's transactions, just enable the tree structure through the top-right corner of the section.
The Overview bar at the bottom opens the Overview for the selected customer.