FA’s Reconciliation helps reconcile that your portfolios’ positions are continuously up-to-date. FA’s Reconciliation matches holdings in FA against information from your custodians and banks, identifying any mismatches.
Generate reconciliation reports
Generate reconciliation reports for manual reconciliation - you can generate standard reconciliation reports to assist you with manual reconciliation. Reconciliation reports cover different portfolio values, for example, positions, and accounts. Reconciliation reports are designed to be generated in Excel format, allowing you to use the data with a spreadsheet.
Generate MT535 Statement of holdings - you can export position balances in the MT535 file format to send to your distributor.
Reconcile positions and cash balances
Compare positions and cash balances in FA against external data sources - you can reconcile positions and cash balances on a specific date against corresponding values provided by an external system. Reconciliation can result in three different outcomes: "Position or account in external file not found in FA", "Position or account in FA not found in the external file", or "Mismatch between value in FA compared to external file".
View and correct reconciliation mismatches - you can correct the mismatches within your portfolios while keeping the reconciliation results open at the same time. You can also re-run the reconciliation at any time to verify your corrections to your data. You can store information about reconciliations by adding notes and attaching documents.
Assign reconciliations - you can assign reconciliations to other users for correction.
Reconcile individual portfolios, partial portfolios or aggregated values - you can run positions reconciliation against individual portfolios, or reconcile multiple portfolios, such as a portfolio group, at once. You can also reconcile "partial" portfolios, for example when the reconciliation file only covers part of the portfolios' contents. Reconciling partial portfolios ignores mismatches when portfolios in FA contain positions that are not found in the external reconciliation file. You can exclude certain securities from reconciliation, for example, if you receive data for these securities from a different custodian. You can reconcile account balances on an individual portfolio's accounts, or aggregate all accounts with the same account number to reconcile the aggregate balance.
Reconcile cash account information received from the external data source with the information stored in FA – Compare the account number, date and closing balance in the account statement received from the external source with the cash balance for that account in FA.
Track reconciliations - you can view the history or reconciliations in the system and track the changes the users made in the reconciliation items.
Extend the degree of automation
Extend the degree of automation via bank and custody connections - the reconciliation module itself doesn't include automatically fetching reconciliation material from external sources. This type of automation requires extending the module with the Bank and Custody Connections module. You can also use the reconciliation module's features manually by uploading reconciliation files into the system yourself.
Supported formats
Files | Description |
FA reconciliation file | CSV file containing position information. |
MT535 | A standard MT535 (SWIFT) message sent by an account servicer to an account owner. |
MT940 | A standard MT940 (SWIFT) message to send and receive end-of-day bank account statements. |
CAMT053.001.02 | A standard CAMT053.001.02 message used to send and receive end-of-day bank account statements. Part of ISO 20022 standard. |