Overview provides a quick glance at the client’s assets, profit, and available cash. The user can view aggregated data from all portfolios or for a chosen portfolio.
Total investments (all portfolios)
If the user chooses Total investments at the top, the app shows Current market value and Unrealised profits from all portfolios (including subportfolios) and a short summary for each portfolio. If a portfolio has subportfolios, the summary shows values aggregated from subportfolios.
FA Client Portal has the option to hide subportfolios. To hide subportfolios from the Client Portal, assign the Client Portal: Hide subportfolio tag to the subportfolio in FA Back. Subportfolios with this tag are removed from the portfolio selector, but all figures are still aggregated into the parent portfolio.
Portfolio investments
If the user chooses a portfolio at the top, the app shows investment information for the chosen portfolio:
Current market value
Unrealised profits
Available cash
Top performing holdings
Bottom performing holdings
Security type allocation
Performance chart