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Fund Management


FA’s Fund Management provides you with a tool to manage your funds including mutual funds, hedge funds, and private equity funds. It covers managing fund portfolios, calculating NAVs, maintaining shareholder registries, creating dividend payments and selected regulatory reporting. FA’s Fund Management can efficiently handle various types of assets and currencies, different share classes, and complex fee structures.


Manage different kinds of funds, share classes, and fee structures

  • Manage multiple share classes - FA Fund Management supports multiple share classes and currencies, with different fee structures and different valuation frequencies.

  • Keep track of fees, costs and kickbacks related to your funds - set up fee formulas to calculate fees on your funds. In addition, you can accrue fees over time and capitalize them during your NAV calculation. You can also calculate share class-specific fees outside of NAV calculation and store them as pre-calculated fees.

  • Include subscription and redemption fees in the fund trade orders – include transaction fees in the fund trade orders that are executed when you accept NAV. Transaction fees can be defined as a percentage from the trade amount or as a fixed amount. You can also define a client discount or edit the resulting amount per trade order if needed.

  • Pay out fund dividends - Define dividend payments and create dividend transactions for your fund's shareholders.

  • Apply swing pricing for your fund - calculate swing adjustment and choose if it has to be included in the NAV.

  • Accrue the fund performance fee with the contingent redemption method - calculate equalized performance fee based on the schedule you define and have compensation trade orders created on the crystallization date.

  • Keep track of the accrued income - calculate accrued income (for example, from bonds and coupons) for the period to use it for taxation purposes or paying out income distribution.

  • Handle FX hedging for the fund share classes in different currencies – manage share class currency exposure with FX contracts. The accrued hedge is taken into account in the NAV calculations. When the contract is settled, the profit and loss is accrued to the fund.

  • Set up and edit your fund companies, funds and share classes - fund company wizard, fund wizard and share class wizard allow you to set up a fund company, a fund or a share class or edit all relevant settings for an existing fund company, fund or share class.

Calculate NAV for your funds

  • Calculate NAV for your funds - calculate the Net Asset Value (NAV) of a fund or a share class together with a new unit price for fund shares. NAV calculation workflow consists of three steps: calculating NAV figures, previewing the result and possible warnings, and accepting NAV to publish it throughout the FA Platform.

  • Set NAV calculation schedule - define a schedule for NAV calculation for each of your funds. You can see when the next calculation is pending. If needed, you can calculate NAV outside the schedule.

  • Get warnings during NAV calculation - get warnings during NAV calculation for example if you are missing market prices on the calculation date, you have large changes in your fund portfolio's positions, you have negative positions in your fund portfolio, you are missing some of the fees you should calculate, or the currency exchange rate has significantly changed.

  • Check investment limits during NAV calculation - enable investment limit checks together with Compliance - Investment Restrictions module to verify compliance with regulations and fund rules. For example, you can set up UCITS limits and check you are not breaching any limits before you calculate your NAV.

  • Roll back accepted NAV - you can roll back the latest accepted NAV, when the system reverts all actions performed at NAV acceptance. 

  • Track previous NAV calculations - look into previous NAV calculation details through the audit trail of calculated NAVs. You can also track the parameters used in the previous NAV calculations or see the details of rollbacks.

Handle subscriptions and redemptions

  • Manage the lifecycle of subscription and redemption orders - enter subscriptions into and redemptions from a fund prior to NAV calculation with Trade Order Management module. This allows Fund Management to price your trade orders during NAV calculation and to execute subscriptions and redemptions during NAV acceptance. Subscription and redemption fees can be automatically included in your transactions, with an option to edit them and define a discount per client.

  • Manage cash transfers related to subscriptions and redemptions - NAV calculation automatically creates cash transactions to your fund portfolio's bank account, matching the value of the subscriptions into and redemptions from your fund.

Maintain shareholder registry

  • Keep track of your shareholders - shareholder registry shows you a list of your fund's shareholders along with their addresses and the number of units owned in each share class. You can also export your shareholder information into Excel.

  • Create unit certificates - you can create unit certificates through the shareholder registry. You can see which shareholders have outstanding unit certificates in which share classes.

Report your funds

  • Create and send out NAV reports - create PDF and XLSX reports with NAV calculation details and enable sending them out via email.

  • Update share classes' allocation information based on fund portfolio allocation - Fund Management automatically updates your share classes’ allocation information based on your fund portfolio’s allocation. This allows you to report your fund’s allocation towards your shareholders.

  • Calculate, preview and accept fund statistics - set up a schedule for calculating fund statistics separately from your NAV calculation, and use the three-step workflow of calculating, previewing and accepting the statistics. Fund statistics include KPIs and holdings on the fund and share class level. Once you accept the statistics, you can use them in your custom reports.

Extend fund reporting with authority reports - you can extend fund reporting with reports available in External Reporting module.

Supported formats




Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS): UCITS Directive is a detailed, harmonised framework for investment funds that can be sold to retail investors throughout the EU.


Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD): AIFMD applies to managers of funds that are not UCITS, including hedge funds, private equity funds, and real estate funds.