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Security preferences

Security preferences determine, among other things, the security types you work with, what currency you use to valuate them, how securities are allocated, where they are traded, and what kinds of security indicators you want to track. The settings are preconfigured for you so you do not need to change them to work with securities, but you can adjust them to customize the FA Platform to your needs. For a full list of security preferences and field descriptions, see Preference - Securities in FA Back reference.

Security types in preferences

You can find a list of the preconfigured security types in Standard security types. We recommend using these preconfigured security types, and you should not edit them. You can add more security types if, for example, you want to work with a non-standard investment property.

Allocations and classifications in preferences

You can use our preconfigured asset groups which include allocation categories according to international standards, or you can set up your own allocation categories (see Asset classes and asset types).

If you need to add more classifications for your securities, you can define your own categories in Preference in the Class fields. For example, you can define your own risk level classifications.

Security indicators in preferences

The FA Platform allows you to track security performance indicators and other indicators available in Preference as key figures. For example, to track the credit rating of securities over time, use our preconfigured credit rating key figure (see Credit ratings as key figures). You can set up your own key figures (see Key figures for contacts, portfolios and securities).