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Define form components to import data in FA

To import data entered in the form into FA, you need to map the form fields to the corresponding FA fields. A corresponding FA field can be either standard or created using a custom profile.

To map the form component to a standard FA field, see Import values in standard FA fields

To map the form component to a custom profile field, see Import values in custom profile data

After defining the importing properties for the form components, see Import collected data into FA to set up an import data process.

Import values in standard FA fields

FA uses field codes to import data in the corresponding fields. For the list of FA fields and codes, see Importing

When you create a form, you need to define the Property Name field in the component’s API tab, prefixed with "import": import.<FA code>. Dots in the FA code have to be replaced with an underscore (_), for example:

Value to be imported

FA code

Property name syntax

Contact name


Portfolio name


Contact ID



Fields with a Property Name containing the prefix import. (the word import followed by a dot) will be imported into FA. All underscores will be converted to dots in the FA during importing process.

Import values in custom profile data

To import the custom profile attribute fields, you need to create them in FA Back first. For instructions, see Custom fields for contacts, portfolios, and securities.

When you create a form, define the Property Name field in the component’s API tab. Use the following syntax: import.<c/s/p>_profileAttribute_<attribute key> (c/s/p indicating contact/security/portfolio). The attribute key should not contain dots but underscores instead, for example:


Profile attribute key

Property name syntax




