Get NAV details
Fund NAV data is stored in a NAVCalculationDTO object. Highlights of its contents are:
Fund's NAV calculation details
NAV calculation details by share class
Positions of the fund portfolio
Warnings generated during the NAV calculation
For an easy comparison of NAVs between subsequent calculations, you can query a NAVPreview object. It contains the NAVCalculationDTOs for a given calculation date, the previous calculation date and the changes between the two.
To inspect the full contents of NAVCalculationDTO and NAVPreview, see the documentation in the GraphQL API view.GraphQL API view
Example request
Requesting the following:
Fund's NAV calculation details for a given date.
Share class NAV details.
Positions of the fund portfolio.
NAV calculation details from the previous calculation date.
Change between the given and the previous calculation date.
query getNAVCalculationData($id: Long, $calcDate: String) { navPreview(id: $id, date: $calcDate) { current { portfolioName status grossAssetValue positionsMarketValue accruedInterest accountBalance totalReceivables totalLiabilities totalPositiveAccrueds totalFees totalNegativeAccrueds netAssetValue netIncome calcDate positions { securityName dirtyValue } receivables liabilities receivableDTOs liabilityDTOs allFees { category code } shareClassDTOs { securityName nav newUnitPrice prevPrice changePercentage } warnings { category code description status } } previous { grossAssetValue positionsMarketValue accruedInterest accountBalance totalReceivables totalLiabilities totalPositiveAccrueds totalFees totalNegativeAccrueds netAssetValue netIncome calcDate } change { grossAssetValue positionsMarketValue accruedInterest accountBalance totalReceivables totalLiabilities totalPositiveAccrueds totalFees totalNegativeAccrueds netAssetValue netIncome } } }
{ "id": 289, "calcDate": "2022-03-25" }
The response body is shortened for readability. "..." indicates removed items in the response.
{ "data": { "navPreview": { "current": { "portfolioName": "FA ABC Fund", "status": "ACCEPTED", "grossAssetValue": 21540040.340000004, "positionsMarketValue": 21955603.12, "accruedInterest": 0, "accountBalance": -423873.3300000001, "totalReceivables": 5308933.869999999, "totalLiabilities": -5308933.869999999, "totalPositiveAccrueds": 0, "totalFees": -94.06, "totalNegativeAccrueds": -14665437.59, "netAssetValue": 6874508.690000004, "netIncome": 0, "calcDate": "2022-03-25", "positions": [ { "securityName": "Credit Agricole SA", "dirtyValue": 2135200 }, { "securityName": "Equinor ASA", "dirtyValue": 5155674.94 }, { "securityName": "FX FWD #2029 2022-09-05 EUR +1.6m", "dirtyValue": 1643443.25 }, { "securityName": "FX FWD #2029 2022-09-05 NOK -16m", "dirtyValue": -1716557.29 }, ... ], "receivables": { "Forward cashflow out, FX SWAP #2009 2022-09-05 NOK -27m (NOK) ": 2799598.8, "Forward cashflow out, FX SWAP #2000 2022-09-05 SEK -26m (SEK) ": 2509335.07 }, "liabilities": { "Forward cashflow in, FX SWAP #2000 2022-09-05 EUR +2.5m (EUR) ": -2509335.07, "Forward cashflow out, FX SWAP #1990 2022-09-05 GBP -2.4m (GBP) ": 0, "Forward cashflow in, FX SWAP #2009 2022-09-05 EUR +2.7m (EUR) ": -2799598.8, "Forward cashflow out, FX FWD #2029 2022-09-05 NOK -16m (NOK) ": 0, "Forward cashflow in, FX SWAP #1990 2022-09-05 EUR +2.9m (EUR) ": 0, "Forward cashflow in, FX FWD #2029 2022-09-05 EUR +1.6m (EUR) ": 0 }, "receivableDTOs": { "Forward cashflow out": [ { "securityName": "FX SWAP #2000 2022-09-05 SEK -26m", "securityCode": "975625eb-9ecb-46ec-8b69-d3a67f61c895", "securityType": "FUTCF", "securityId": 1420, "trTypeCode": "FCOUT", "tradeAmount": 2509335.07, "tradeAmountInSec": 26907600, "name": "Forward cashflow out, FX SWAP #2000 2022-09-05 SEK -26m (SEK) " }, { "securityName": "FX SWAP #2009 2022-09-05 NOK -27m", "securityCode": "313c8b95-c1e5-45aa-b87e-b8883669d93e", "securityType": "FUTCF", "securityId": 1423, "trTypeCode": "FCOUT", "tradeAmount": 2799598.8, "tradeAmountInSec": 27912000, "name": "Forward cashflow out, FX SWAP #2009 2022-09-05 NOK -27m (NOK) " } ] }, "liabilityDTOs": { "Forward cashflow in": [ { "securityName": "FX SWAP #1990 2022-09-05 EUR +2.9m", "securityCode": "3fc047d0-0866-40e6-949c-62c29b18de92", "securityType": "FUTCF", "securityId": 1416, "trTypeCode": "FCIN", "tradeAmount": 0, "tradeAmountInSec": 0, "name": "Forward cashflow in, FX SWAP #1990 2022-09-05 EUR +2.9m (EUR) " }, { "securityName": "FX SWAP #2000 2022-09-05 EUR +2.5m", "securityCode": "dd8329f9-120f-49a4-a4ca-8e1b876da3bf", "securityType": "FUTCF", "securityId": 1419, "trTypeCode": "FCIN", "tradeAmount": -2509335.07, "tradeAmountInSec": 2509335.07, "name": "Forward cashflow in, FX SWAP #2000 2022-09-05 EUR +2.5m (EUR) " }, ... ], "Forward cashflow out": [ { "securityName": "FX SWAP #1990 2022-09-05 GBP -2.4m", "securityCode": "4d656504-8627-4ac7-a8a7-2ce595c5b7d6", "securityType": "FUTCF", "securityId": 1417, "trTypeCode": "FCOUT", "tradeAmount": 0, "tradeAmountInSec": 0, "name": "Forward cashflow out, FX SWAP #1990 2022-09-05 GBP -2.4m (GBP) " }, { "securityName": "FX FWD #2029 2022-09-05 NOK -16m", "securityCode": "c1b32faa-0d43-4ff3-acc6-ede15a698d9c", "securityType": "FUTCF", "securityId": 1429, "trTypeCode": "FCOUT", "tradeAmount": 0, "tradeAmountInSec": 0, "name": "Forward cashflow out, FX FWD #2029 2022-09-05 NOK -16m (NOK) " } ] }, "allFees": [ { "category": "Other", "code": "INT" }, { "category": "Other", "code": "MFEE" }, { "category": "Other", "code": "MFEE" } ], "shareClassDTOs": [ { "securityName": "FA ABC Fund class A", "nav": 7668753.26, "newUnitPrice": 547.7681, "prevPrice": 531.8234, "changePercentage": 2.9981193005046425 }, { "securityName": "FA ABC Fund class B", "nav": -794244.57, "newUnitPrice": -8.8249, "prevPrice": -8.6578, "changePercentage": 1.930051514241482 } ], "warnings": [ { "category": "NAV", "code": "", "description": "Missing account to hold accrued fees for fee type HDGS", "status": "WARNING" }, { "category": "PORTFOLIO", "code": "Negative cash account balance", "description": "Units on USD account was -6203180.0", "status": "WARNING" } ] }, "previous": { "grossAssetValue": 21364048.8, "positionsMarketValue": 21748556.76, "accruedInterest": 0, "accountBalance": -416797.2400000002, "totalReceivables": 5308933.869999999, "totalLiabilities": -5308933.869999999, "totalPositiveAccrueds": 0, "totalFees": -90.88, "totalNegativeAccrueds": -14697635.73, "netAssetValue": 6666322.19, "netIncome": 0, "calcDate": "2022-03-24" }, "change": { "grossAssetValue": 175991.54000000283, "positionsMarketValue": 207046.3599999994, "accruedInterest": 0, "accountBalance": -7076.089999999851, "totalReceivables": 0, "totalLiabilities": 0, "totalPositiveAccrueds": 0, "totalFees": -3.180000000000007, "totalNegativeAccrueds": 32198.140000000596, "netAssetValue": 208186.50000000373, "netIncome": 0 } } } }
Related links
NAV window and NAV details in FA Back referenceNAV window