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Set up Swedbank bank and custody connection


This article explains how to set up the connection parameters so that you can use Swedbank bank and custody connection.



Changing these configurations requires the Bank and custody connections (BCC) role.

In order to send and receive files from Swedbank, you need a private key for the SFTP connection. You need to send the corresponding public key to Swedbank. In addition you need to tell them to whitelist the IP. Usually for production systems, the IP to whitelist is This key should then be uploaded with the name private.pem through ToolsAdministerBank and custody connectionsUpload keys….


Configuring parameters

Go to ToolsAdministerBank and custody connections → Manage….

Provide the following settings specific to the Swedbank connection under the Swedbank heading on the tab titled Connection settings:

  • Enable integration: checking this box enables the integration.

  • Username: enter the username that you received from Swedbank.

  • Account number for settlement instructions: the account number at Swedbank used for sending settlement instructions.

  • Test or production system: select whether you wish to connect to the Swedbank test or production system. You should use Test only in the initial testing phase - this system does not handle any actual payment or trading activity.


Once you click Done, the Swedbank integration is started.