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Available standard reports

Report name

Report description


Allocation report shows the selected contact's or portfolio's assets,

as a listing of largest positions (along with their market value and share) and two pie charts:

Share of assets per selected grouping

Share of assets per security

Allocation by category

Allocation by category consists of a whole-page pie chart, showing the allocation based on your selected grouping, such as asset classes or type, security types, or other security parameters.

Allocation table by customer (Excel)

Allocation table by customer consists of a table, showing the securities' allocation as a matrix of customers / asset classes and types.

Allocation table by portfolio (Excel)

Allocation table by portfolio consists of a table, showing the securities' allocation as a matrix of portfolios / asset classes and types.

Allocation table by security (Excel)

Allocation table by security consists of a table, showing the securities' allocation as a matrix of securities / asset classes and types.

Bank Statement by accounts

Bank statement by accounts lists transactions per account number with the transaction's

effect to the account (cash balance), showing each transaction as a "Withdrawal" or a

"Deposit", tracking the account balance after each transaction.

Bank statement by accounts combines the transactions from different portfolios with the same account number.

Bank statement

Bank statement lists transactions per portfolio per account with the transaction's effect to the account (cash balance), showing each transaction as a "Withdrawal" or a "Deposit", tracking the account balance after each transaction.

Bank statements use settlement dates to report the transactions, and only transactions linked to an account and with a settlement date are shown on the report.

Cashflow by category

Cashflow by category report shows profit figures and changes in value during the reporting period.

Costs - Ex-ante costs and charges

Report showing breakdown of projected costs and charges on the portfolio according to the ESMA classification: One-off charges, Ongoing charges, Transaction charges, Ancillary services, Incidental costs and Third party payments. Costs and charges are grouped by Investment services, Financial Instruments and Total costs and charges. In addition, the report shows the return of the portfolio (TWR) with and without costs and charges.

The report requires that all the applicable transaction and costs types are categorized according to ESMA classifications, and that securities have ex-post costs defined.

Costs - Ex-post costs and charges

Report showing breakdown of realized costs and charges on the portfolio according to the ESMA classification: One-off charges, Ongoing charges, Transaction charges, Ancillary services, Incidental costs, third-party payments and other costs. Costs and charges are grouped by Investment services, Financial Instruments and Total costs and charges. In addition, the report shows the return of the portfolio (TWR) before and after costs and charges.

The report requires that all the applicable transaction and costs types are categorized according to ESMA classifications, and that securities have ex-post costs defined.

Monthly performance

Monthly performance report shows monthly TWR figures for portfolio and benchmark and also total return for given time period. Report can be used also without benchmark.

Line represents the total twr.

Columns represents the monthly twr.

Performance and Cashflow

Combined performance report shows profit figures and overall performance and cashflow of portfolio(s) during the reporting period.

Performance contribution breakdown

Performance contribution breakdown shows total performance and performance by security during the reporting period.

P/L - Capital gains

Capital gains lists the capital gains (profits / losses from selling a security) during the reporting period.

Capital gains are listed per security and per sold purchase lot, and reported in the currency of the reported portfolio(s). Capital gains per security together with total capital gains are also shown on the report.

P/L - Expected dividends and coupons

Expected dividends and coupons lists dividends and coupons on the reported securities based on the coupon information recorded under "Extra information" on securities and based on future "Dividend" corporate actions recorded in the system. The expected dividends and coupons are listed per position together with basic values of each position. Positions are grouped with the selected grouping, which by default is set to be "Security type".

P/L - Performance and value history

Performance and value history shows profit figures and indexed return together with changes in value during the reporting period. Both indexed return (and benchmark's return, if defined) and changes in value are shown as figures and as a graph.

P/L - Realized and unrealized profits with currency profits

This report lists returns of individual instruments during the selected time period, and includes the following fields:

  • TWR (%)

  • Total profits

  • Profits from security

  • Profits from currency

  • Dividends and interest

  • Market value (on end date)

Instruments are grouped by security type, and cash is included in the report as currency positions. Subtotal rows (per security type) and a total row are included in the report.

Absolute return figures are reported in the portfolio currency of the reported portfolio(s), which is assumed to be the the same across portfolios (when combining multiple portfolios into a single report).


This report lists the following information:

Positions of the chosen portfolio(s) on the chosen end date. This includes amount (units), purchase unit price, purchase value, rate, market value, accrued interest and share of portfolio.

The difference between the positions' purchase value and market value on the given date.

Positions by purchase lot

Positions by purchase lot lists positions on the chosen reporting date, showing the positions broken down into open purchase lots. Purchase lots are divided into "Investments" and "Accounts" and grouped by security with appropriate total sums. Purchase lots are reported in portfolio currency of the reported portfolio(s).

Positions by purchase lot in currency

Positions by purchase lot in currency lists positions on the chosen reporting date, showing the positions broken down into open purchase lots. Purchase lots are divided into "Investments" and "Accounts" and grouped by security with appropriate total sums. Purchase lots are reported in the position's security's currency.

Positions in currency

Positions in currency lists positions of the chosen portfolio(s) on the chosen reporting date in the position's security's currency.

Positions are grouped by currency, with appropriate total sums of the positions of the same currency.

Receivable and liabilities

Receivables and liabilities lists transactions with pending receivables or liabilities: the report lists all transactions with a transaction date before and a settlement date after the end of the chosen reporting period (i.e. the transactions that have occurred during the reporting period but have not yet been settled).

Transactions are categorized into receivables (pending positive effect) and liabilities (pending negative effect) with appropriate total sums.

Reconciliation - Bank statement

Reconciliation - Bank Statement combines the transactions from different portfolios provided that they have same reference number, settlement date, transaction type, security and account number

Reconciliation - Grouped Accounts

Lists account number, account balance and available cash on the selected group of portfolio on a selected date grouped by account number.

Account balance = account balance based on settlement date

Available cash = account balance based on transaction date


Transactions lists transactions during the chosen reporting period based on the transaction date, latest first.

At the end a summary section sums up the reported transactions per transaction type.

Transactions are reported in the transaction's portfolio's currency.

Transaction (Export)

Transactions (Export) lists all transaction information in the standard FA File Format, generated as an Excel or CSV.

Transaction confirmation

Transaction confirmation lists basic information of a transaction together with a calculation of the transaction's trade amount in security's and portfolio's currency. Transaction confirmation is generated per transaction.