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Import dividends and splits from Bloomberg

The FA platform allows you to import dividends and splits using Bloomberg security data and run them as corporate actions in FA Back. You can configure both the import and the corporate action runs to be executed automatically to keep your portfolios up-to-date.

Import dividends or splits

Dividends and splits can be imported either manually or automatically via scheduling. To learn more about scheduling dividend or split imports, see Scheduling processes in FA Admin guide.

To import dividends or splits manually, do the following:

  1. Select the securities you want to import dividends or splits for in the Securities view.

    • If you created the securities using the Bloomberg connection, you can find them with the "Reference data-Bloomberg equity" tag.

    • Otherwise, ensure the security codes match the Bloomberg field "TICKER_AND_EXCH" and the trade codes are "ID_BB_GLOBAL" or "TICKER_AND_EXCH".

  2. Click Import corporate actions→ Bloomberg dividends or Import corporate actions→ Bloomberg splits at the bottom of the Securities view to import the dividends and splits respectively. Only upcoming dividends and splits are imported. You get an error message if you try to import data for securities without dividend or split information in Bloomberg. The corporate actions that have data are still imported.

Fields imported for dividends

Dividend corporate actions created with this functionality are mapped from fields in Bloomberg as described in the table below.

Field in FA

Field in Bloomberg



Annual meeting date


Ex-dividend date


Settlement date


Dividend per share


Fields imported for splits

Split corporate actions created with this functionality are mapped from fields in Bloomberg as described in the table below.

Field in FA

Field in Bloomberg

Split date


Split ratio


Run imported dividends or splits automatically

You can configure the system to run the imported corporate actions automatically. The system creates transactions in the portfolios on the ex-dividend or split date.

To automatically run the imported dividends or splits, do the following:

  1. Open Tools → Administer → Data aggregation to specify the run settings.

  2. In the Corporate actions tab, select a portfolio group to run the corporate actions for (see Portfolio window in FA Back reference). You can also specify the time when the system should run the corporate actions. If you don't enter a time, the system uses 00:00.

  3. Click Done. The system now creates a corporate action run for all imported dividends and splits. The runs are scheduled for the ex-dividend date or the split date.

To disable the automatic creation of corporate action runs, remove the portfolio group value in the Administer data aggregation window, Corporate actions tab.