Available columns for positions listings
For positions in the Overview and the Positions view, the available columns include columns from security, contact and portfolio, as well as the following columns documented in this article.
Name (ENG) | Description |
Amount Amount (p) Amount (p, o) Amount (p, t) | Shows the amount of the security in the portfolio based on the transaction date (amount), when all Executable trade orders would have been executed (p, o), when all accepted non-settled (i.e. settlement date later than today or no settlement date at all) transactions would have been settled (p, t) or when all Executable trade orders and accepted non-settled transactions would have been executed and settled (p). For accounts and cash balance, the amount shows the account balance based on transaction date, amount (p, o) the cash balance after Executable trade orders that deduct cash have been executed, amount (p, t) the currently settled cash balance (excluding non-settled transactions, i.e. transactions that have a settlement date in the future), and amount (p) the combination of the two above. |
Accr. int. Accr. int (c) | Shows the accrued interest for your position in portfolio currency or in security currency (c), when fixing information is defined in the security's ???. For a new position, the accrued interest is the accrued interest bought within the buy transaction until the settlement date of the buy, after which the accrued interest is calculated with the defined coupon information. Also shows the accrued interest for accounts. For accounts, the accrued interest is calculated day-by-day and is shown as a total amount. |
Accrual Accrual (c) | Shows your positions’ accrued income in portfolio currency or in security currency (c), when your mutual fund position's market price contains the accrued income element. The value in the accrual field indicates how much accrued income in security currency was included in that day’s market price. Accrual is calculated based on your fund security’s accrual (maintained in security’s market data) as Accrual = amount x accrual. Accrual is taken into account account in other position values as follows:
Change Change (o) Change % Change % (o) | Shows the difference between the Purchase value and Market value columns: how much the purchase value has changed. Also available as the change between the purchase price and market price columns with the original purchase price (o), in percentage (%) or in percentage with the original purchase price (% (o)). |
Total commitment Total commitment (c) Remaining commitment Remaining commitment (c) | Shows the total commitment of the position, based on transaction types that increase commitment in portfolio currency or in security currency (c), or the remaining commitment of the position, based on transaction types that either increase or reduce commitment in portfolio currency or in security currency (c). Commitments are relevant for example for private equity investments. |
Currency (Price) Currency | Shows the currency defined for the security or currency exposure. The latter column shows the currency the instrument is exposed to: if the security has an underlay, and the underlay is a currency, the code of the underlying security is shown, otherwise the currency of the underlying security is shown. If the security doesn't have an underlay, and if the security is a currency, the code of the security is shown, otherwise the currency of the security is shown. |
Days | Shows the position's age in the portfolio, calculated from the the date of the oldest open purchase lot. |
Exposure | Shows your position's market exposure. Exposure is calculated daily as Exposure = (amount x market unit price + accrued interest) / market FX rate. If your security has delta (maintained in security’s market data), exposure is multiplied by delta. Note that if delta is not found on the latest market data observation relative to the valuation date, delta is assumed to be 1 (i.e. delta has no effect on exposure). For example, if security has price on the valuation date of 2020-01-30, but no delta is recorded on that date, delta is assumed to be 1. Even if delta is found on 2020-01-29, that delta is not used, since it was not found on the same date as the latest price. If your security is linked to another security, exposure is calculated as Exposure = amount x linked security’s market unit price in pf currency x block size. |
Holding % | Shows the share of position’s amount out of the total outstanding amount defined in the security, indicating how large of a share does the portfolio hold of the security. |
MPrice MPrice (c) | Shows the current market unit price of the security in the portfolio currency or market price in currency (c). The date in parentheses tells the date of the market unit price: if there is no date after the market unit price, the price observation is dated for the viewing date (chosen above the portfolio contents). If no market price is defined for a security, this columns shows a line. |
MPrice daily change | Shows the percentage change between the selected date's market price compared to the previous market price found. |
Market date | Shows the date of the market price utilized as the market unit price and in calculating the market value, if the utilized market price is not the selected day's price. |
Market val. | Shows the total market price of the security or the account balance in the portfolio currency, based on the latest market price or the exchange rate of the account currency. If no market price is defined for a security, the market price is calculated with the unit purchase price. Market value on the Overview excludes accrual on your fund positions and accrued interests on your bond positions. |
Market value (d) | Shows the "dirty" market value, or a proper market value for your bonds and futures: this column shows a sum of market value + accrued interest for your bond positions, the P/L for your future positions, sum of market value + accrual for your fund positions, and market value for all other types of instruments. |
Market FX rate | Shows the exchange rate used to calculate the market value of the position in portfolio currency. |
Orders Orders (all) | Shows the effect the executable trade orders (orders) or executable and open trade orders (all) will have on the position's amount when executed. E.g. an executable sell trade order in the portfolio with the amount 100 will show as -100 in the columns. |
PP / unit PP/u (c) PP/u (o) PP/u (oc) PP/u (desc.) | Shows the purchase unit price of the security in the portfolio currency: the unit price the security was purchased with. Also available purchase unit price in currency (c), with the original price (o), with the original price in currency (oc) or with all available decimals (desc.). For accounts, the purchase unit price tells the exchange rate of currency of the account against the portfolio currency. |
PPc/u PPc/u (c) | Shows the purchase unit price without cost or purchase unit price without cost in currency (c). |
Purchase value | Shows the total purchase value of the security or the account balance in the portfolio currency. Purchase value on the Overview excludes paid accrual on your fund positions and paid accrued interests on your bond positions. |
Purchase value without cost | Shows the total purchase value of the security or the account balance in the portfolio currency without costs. |
Purch. val (o) | Shows the purchase value calculated with original price. |
Security | This column divides the contents of the portfolio into securities and accounts. The securities are divided under subtitles based on the security types configured in the system, and the accounts section shows all the accounts added to the portfolio. The total of the securities and accounts are calculated, and you can find them on the rows Securities total and Accounts total . There are also a Portfolio total calculations available. |
Share % | Shows percentage share of the position's market value from portfolio's total market value. |