Parameters for analytics request
Parameters for analytics request
Parameter | Default value | Values | Description |
withoutPositionData | false | true or false | Run analysis based on only portfolio level data. This is faster, if you do not need position level values. |
parameters | Structure to hold more detailed parameters | ||
pfIds | List of longs | List of portfolio ids to analyze | |
startDate | Start date is defined based on the time periods, if omitted | Date in format yyyy-MM-dd | Start date of the analysis. That is the date since the data is loaded. |
endDate | End date is defined based on the time periods, if omitted | Date in format yyyy-MM-dd | End date of the analysis. That is the date till the data is loaded. |
includeDrillDownPositions | false | true or false | Whether to load also positions from the portfolios linked to portfolios' securities. Allows drill down, but is quite heavy. |
includeOnlyCashAccounts | false | true or false | True = exclude accounts that are marked as non-cash accounts, e.g. accrued fee accounts. false = include all accounts |
paramsSet | List of individual analysis definitions (to be explained in the next section) | Definition of one or many analyses requested. |
Parameters for paramsSet
Parameter | Default value | Values | Description |
key | “1”, “2”,… | Any unique string | Key to define an analysis. The key can be used later to reference a result-set of a specific analysis. It is recommended to define a key for each analysis. |
timePeriodCodes | E.g. “GIVEN”, “MONTHS-1”, etc. | See the detailed list at Time period codes. Either define “GIVEN” to analyze the whole period or a specific time-period within the given time period. | |
grouppedByProperties | E.g. [TYPE,SECURITY] | List of types (see the entire list Analytics+ grouping options) to group the analysis by. | |
groupCode | Required, if grouppedByProperties == [...,GROUP] or grouppedbyProperties == [...,SECTOR]. | ||
includeData | true or false | Whether to include time series data into the result set. | |
includeChildren | true or false | Whether to include the hierarchy based on the groups into the result set. | |
calculateContribution | true or false | Whether to calculate contribution figures. Use only if you are interested in those figures. | |
calculateIrr | true or false | Whether to calculate IRR. Use only if you are interested in IRR figures. | |
ignoreBrokenPeriods | false | true or false | Whether to exclude values from the analysis where the results do not fully belong to the time period. Example: You want to calculate a portfolio TWR for the last 6 months, but the portfolio only existed for the last 3 months. If you set |