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Overview allows you to manage your customer's portfolios, providing you with the tools to view customer's investments and access or modify all relevant information.

Overview consists of two sections. The tables on the left show the contents and transactions of a selected portfolio(s). The panel on the right allows you to change between selected portfolios and to view certain portfolio, contact or group information.

Overview is customizable to your user name, and all the choices you make on the visible sections are saved for your user name and remembered when you log in the next time. For example, whether the panel on the right is shown or hidden is remembered for your user name: if you choose to hide the info panel in your latest session, opening FA again will open Overview with the panel hidden.

At the top of the tab you can:

  • Search for the portfolio, customer or group you want to view on the tab. In the menu, the customers, portfolios and groups saved in the system with the status Active (Passive and Closed customers or portfolios cannot be chosen) are listed in the following order:

    • Groups listed first in the >Group Name form.

    • Customers and portfolios are listed second in alphabetical order: customers in the form Customer Name (ID) and portfolios in the form Customer Name - Portfolio Name (ID). In the listing, the customer is shown first, below which the active portfolios of this customer are shown. Passive and closed portfolios are not shown in the listing, and passive and closed customers are listed at the end of the listing in alphabetical order only if they have active portfolios.

    • The Other portfolios section at the end includes all the portfolios saved to the system without a link to a portfolio customer. These portfolios are listed in the form Portfolio Name (ID).

  • Quickly modify the selected group, customer or portfolio with the edit icon overview_edit.png.

  • Choose the date you want to view to portfolio contents for.

The icons on the right let you:

  • Refresh the contents visible on the Overview to take into account all changes dashboard_refresh.png .

  • Open the Report window to print out a report for your selection overview_new_report.png .

  • Export the portfolio contents/positions in a PDF or Excel file overview_pdf.pngoverview_excel.png .

  • Select the columns the position information is displayed in - see the descriptions of the available columns at Available columns for positions listingsoverview_select_columns.png.

  • Hide the Info pane on the right overview_hide.png.

You can use your browser’s back and forward buttons to browse between the selections you have made on the Overview during your session. Every time you select a group, customer or portfolio, your browser’s URL reflects your selection - as a result, the back button takes you back to your previous selection.

The upper section on the left shows the contents or the positions in the selected portfolio(s).

If you choose a customer or a group, Positions shows the total or aggregated content and positions of all the portfolios of the customer or in the group. The positions are based on calculating purchase lots of the securities in the portfolio: when modifications are made to the transactions in the portfolio, the contents shown are instantly up to date.

The positions in the portfolio are divided into Securities (further grouped by security types) and Accounts (further arranged into cash accounts, credit accounts, and other accounts). Below each section, you can find Securities total, Securities total inc. accrued interest, Cash accounts total, Credit accounts total, Accounts total, Accounts total inc. accrued interest, and Portfolio total.

Right-clicking a position

Right-clicking the Overview allows you to select how positions are shown on the Overview:

  • Show positions. By default, all the individual, security level positions are shown. However, you can also choose to hide the security level positions under the security type headers. To collapse positions, right-click the Overview and deselect the Show positions selection. To show the hidden positions, right-click the Overview and select Show positions. Collapsing the positions allows you to effectively view large portfolios. Whether the positions are hidden or shown is remembered for your user name: if you choose to hide the positions in your latest session, opening FA again will open the Overview with hidden positions.

  • Show extended position info. The Overview allows you to see the effect of unsettled transactions and unexecuted trade orders on your positions. Positions are highlighted with red and marked with a symbol to indicate that the position is affected by unsettled transactions (marked with a circle) and/or unexecuted trade orders (marked with a star). Moving your mouse over a marked row shows you more information on the effects, including the current position, effects, and the position afterwards. For accounts, the unsettled transactions are shown as upcoming cash flows, and for portfolio total, you can see the overall effect of your trade orders on your portfolio. This feature is by default enabled, but you can choose to hide the extended position information by right-clicking the Overview and deselecting the Show extended position info selection - to show the extended position information, right-click the Overview and select Show extended position info. See more detailed instructions through Extended position information on the Overview.

Right-clicking a position on the Overview allows you to perform the following features related to the position:

  • Open security. Opens the position's security in the Security window, where you can view and modify the security information. The same functionality can be accessed by double clicking a position related to a security.

  • Open security's linked portfolio. Opens the position's security's linked portfolio on the Overview. This allows you to easily access for example a fund portfolio through a fund position. The selection is available if your position’s security has a linked portfolio, and you are allowed to access it in terms of limited visibility. If you want to easily see which positions have a linked portfolio, select Security linked portfolio as a column on the Overview.

  • Open security information (URL). Opens the URL defined in the security information as a new browser tab.

  • Search positions from other portfolios. Makes a position search on the Positions view for all portfolios with the selected security and date.

  • New transaction/New trade order. Opens a pre-filled Transaction window to create a new transaction or new trade order based on the selected position. For account positions, you can create new cash transactions. Choose to create New.

    • Transaction with position's security and amount - Portfolio, security and amount are pre-filled based on the selected position, and transaction date is set to be the current date.

    • Transaction with position's security, amount and trade amount - Portfolio, security, amount, unit price, costs / taxes and trade amount are pre-filled based on the selected position, and transaction date is set to be the current date.

    • Trade order with position's security and amount - portfolio, security and amount are pre-filled based on the selected position, and transaction date is set to be the current date.

  • Processes. Launches any process against a position through the right-click menu.

The lower section of the Overview tab shows the transactions and/or open and executable trade orders in the portfolio (including trade order statuses Open, Accepted, Executable, Sent to execution, In execution, Executed in the market and Settled in the market) - by default the listing shows both transactions and trade orders. A star in the first column indicates an open or executable trade order in the listing. The selection of whether to show Transactions, Trade orders or All can be made from the first drop-down of the search fields.

By default, the transactions are shown ordered by the transaction date, newest first. You can also change this order by clicking one of the column headers: the arrow next to the column header indicates that the transactions are ordered based on the values in that column. In addition, you can use the search fields to search for transactions, or to filter the transactions shown with the columns you have selected to be visible on the Transactions listing through the column selection icon - see also Available columns for positions listings.

Hiding transactions from the Overview

You can hide certain transactions from the Overview’s transaction listing. You can do this by marking your transaction as Hidden – hidden transactions still affect your positions, but they are not shown on the Overview’s transaction listing. This allows you to filter the Overview to only show transactions you need in your day-to-day work to get an overview of your client’s investments, while you can access other transactions through the Transactions view. This is especially useful for bookkeeping transactions, such as deferrals or value adjustments, which don’t affect how much you own, but only alter the position’s values for bookkeeping purposes.

Right-clicking a transaction

To Modify or Delete a transaction or a trade order, right-click it. You can select multiple transactions or trade orders by holding the Ctrl key. The changes are then applied to all of the selected items.

The upper section on the left shows the contents or the positions in the selected portfolio(s):

  • If you have selected a portfolio or customer, the portfolio hierarchy shows the customer and all the portfolios of the customer. If the customer shown is marked as a contact in another customer's portfolio, this another customer and the portfolio are shown below the customer's portfolios.

  • If you have selected a group, the portfolio hierarchy shows the portfolios within the chosen group, grouping the portfolios under their customers.

Your selection is shown with a blue background. Customers and portfolios are shown in alphabetical order based on the name.

The portfolio hierarchy section is limited to show only certain number of portfolios, by default 500. You can configure in Portfolios Preferences how many portfolios are shown in the tree. The title of the section indicates how many portfolios the tree is showing if your selection exceeds the maximum. This is relevant if you select a group with more than the number of portfolios show, all of them won't be shown within the tree. However, the entire selected group is included when showing the aggregated positions.

Portfolio hierarchy allows you to perform certain actions through right-clicking a level in the tree:

  • Open group / Open contact / Open portfolio. Opens the chosen group / contact / portfolio in the corresponding window, where you can view and modify the information. The same functionality can be accessed by double-clicking an item in the tree.

  • Close portfolio. Allows you to close the selected portfolio for bookkeeping purposes. Closing a portfolio is related to balancing the books: the portfolio is closed at the end of each accounting period and is re-opened at the beginning of the accounting period. The portfolio closing is defined by setting the close date, closing method (No change, Depreciation, Depreciation and refund or Market value) and the transaction types for the Remove and Add transactions to be created for closing the portfolio. Selecting a transaction type for only Remove or Add supports closing a portfolio with only one transaction type.

  • Rebalancing. Opens the Rebalance window for rebalancing the selected portfolio.

  • New portfolio / New transaction / New trade order / New contract. Allows you to create a new portfolio for your contact or a new transaction, trade order or contract in your portfolio.

  • Processes. Launches any process against a position through the right-click menu.

The second info panel shows the comments and notes written for the selected customer or portfolio. The information is defined in the Memo tab of the Portfolio or Contact window: the Memo shows the text written in the fields Memo, Description, Info 2 and Info 3.

You can modify the memo by clicking it once, making the desired modifications and confirming the changes when navigating away. Portfolio or customer memos can be also be modified in the Memo tab on the Portfolio or Contact window - double-clicking the memo panel opens the correct window for modifications. It is also possible to import text to the Memo from an external text file from Import - Import memos.

In Memo, the different tab sheets contain information for both the customer (the first, left-hand side tab) and the selected portfolio (the following tab). The mark * next to the customer or portfolio ID in the tab sheet heading indicates that the memo has some content. If the customer and the portfolio have the same ID, it is good to remember that the customer memo is always under the farthest left tab sheet.

You can use the third info panel to view the basic information of the chosen portfolio, contact or dynamic group. The information shown corresponds to the information defined on the Basic info tab sheet on the Portfolio or Contact window or the dynamic group information defined on the Groups view.

The portfolio or contact information can be accessed from the edit button on the top-right corner of the basic info panel, or by searching the portfolio or customer from the Portfolios or Contacts view.

You can use the fourth info panel called Documents to view, modify, and upload documents for the selected contact or portfolio.

You can download a document by double-clicking on it. To modify an existing document, right-click on it and select Modify document.

To upload new documents or links for the contact or portfolio, use the Upload file and Upload link buttons.