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Set up Refinitiv market data connector


To use Refinitiv market and reference data, you need to get username and password from Refinitiv DataScope Select.

Setting up

To set up Refinitiv data connection:

  1. Go to ToolsAdministerMarket data connectors. Choose which close field to use and open the respective tab. If there's already a connector defined on a close field, use the trash bin icon to remove the existing connector. Click Add provider and select Refinitiv from the drop-down list.

  2. Fill in the fields.


    The username you received from Refinitiv.


    The password you received from Refinitiv.

    Fetch historical prices

    Fetch historical prices since the earliest date of observation. The earliest date is set in preferences (seeGeneral ).

    Close price field

    (Optional) Price field for close prices. If nothing is selected, universal close price is used.

    Intraday price field

    (Optional) Price field for intraday prices. If nothing is selected, last price is used.

    Fetch prices on weekdays

    Days of the week on which you want to fetch the prices. For example, you can skip Sunday and Monday if you don't expect to receive any EOD prices for the previous day on those days. This can be useful if your contract with Refinitiv limits the frequency of price requests. If nothing is selected, prices are fetched every day.

  3. Click Done. This enables the connectivity to Refinitiv.