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Securities and market prices

The FA Platform allows you to record operations with different kinds of securities such as equities, bonds, or fund units as well as derivatives and FX contracts. To work with bonds, see Bonds. To work with complex securities like derivatives and FX contracts in FA, see Derivatives and FX contracts. For a list of security types in FA, see Standard security types.

You can create new securities or update existing ones in the Security window. See Security window in FA Back reference for details on adding information for securities. You can also search for and view securities saved in the system in the Securities view (see Securities view in FA Back reference).

You can also import securities in files or from a market data provider. To fetch security information from market data providers, see Get security data and Get extended security data. For importing securities in files, see File formats for importing securities and security prices in FA Back reference.

Security market prices can also be entered manually, fetched from a market data provider, or imported in files (see Manage market prices).

You can track and analyze security indicators such as duration, modified duration, convexity, and YTM for securities. For this, you need to define the key figures. See Key figures for contacts, portfolios and securities for more information.

To read about security configurations in the system, see Security preferences.