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Standard Solution May 2024 - Release notes

Released: June 3rd, 2024

The Standard Solution May 2024 release introduces many smaller improvements and fixes.

Other improvements

Market data connector 

  • The Bloomberg market data connector now supports overriding default price type on a security-by-security basis by adding "@" and the price type after the update code. For example, you can specify "BBG000C267K7@PX_CLOSE" to ensure that PX_CLOSE is used as the price type. Until now, only two price types could be specified in the close fields. Now you can use, for example, PX_YEST_CLOSE for equities, PX_LAST_EOD for futures, PX_SETTLE for options, FUND_NET_ASSET_VAL for funds, and PX_YEST_BID/PX_YEST_ASK for fixed income. For more information, see Set up Bloomberg market data connector in FA Admin guide.

Trade order management 

  • You can now configure bulk trade order execution to transfer settlement place and market place information to the underlying client orders or transactions during the process execution.

Portfolio management 

  • We introduced two new transaction types: "Fund exchange" and "Fund merge". Fund exchanges are for exchanging fund share class units with units from another share class without realizing profits. Unlike in an "Exchange", fund exchanges are done at the end of the day. Fund merges are for merging a fund share class with another without realizing profits. Fund merges have the same effect as fund exchanges but you can use them to separate merges for reporting.

  • The "Spin-off (SPO)" transaction type now maintains the FIFO chain.

  • We added an improved workflow and new transaction types for Futures. For more information, see Futures with margin accounts and Transaction types for security transactions in FA User guide.


  • You can now create deferrals for the difference between the original purchase value and the market value using the new "Deferral of positions based on original purchase value" option. For more information, see Run deferrals in FA User guide.Run deferrals


  • In FA Operations, you can now use cash reconciliations based on CAMT.053 account statements with other reconciliation groups in addition to the default group. The new option is available in ToolsAdministerData aggregationReconciliation. For more information, see Reconciling cash accounts in FA User guide.


  • Query monitoring now allows you to receive query monitoring results as a table in an HTML file instead of a CSV file.


Portfolio management 

  • Security types are now arranged alphabetically, eliminating the issue of random ordering in Overview and reports.

  • In Standard Solution upgrades, security type ordering is no longer overwritten if you do reordering in Preference.

  • The "PE-profit" transaction type now has the correct tax effect “reduce”.

  • Rebate contracts now accommodate values larger than 2,147,483,647 when specifying fee thresholds.


  • Order validation now functions correctly also when a portfolio contains an unsettled transaction with the status "Accepted (OK)".

  • Forwards and derivatives now have the correct values in the Solvency II profile.

  • We fixed a spelling mistake in the Norwegian "Ex-post costs and charges" report.

  • The Trapets PEP and sanction list integration no longer fails. Until now, the process failed due to Trapets removing a field in the API response.

  • Portfolio value monitoring no longer fails if a portfolio has no contact added and the process is configured to send emails to the primary contact or representatives.

Market data connector 

  • Bloomberg bond mapping no longer includes invalid holiday calendars for certain Australian bonds when you create securities from Bloomberg.

  • Market price monitoring now accommodates customized holiday calendars.

Fee management 

  • Fee configurations now allow you to define fees with more than two decimals.


  • We fixed a spelling mistake in the Finnish "P/L - Performance and value history" report.

  • Transactions report now lists transactions in order by date.

  • Index numbers of additional information in the "9A - Computation of capital gain and loss" report are now correctly aligned.

External reporting 

  • The CRS report now accurately captures residence country, country code, post code, and city details.


  • Deferral of bond purchase price now features enhanced fault tolerance and logging capabilities, especially when portfolios contain securities with invalid bond parameters.

Model portfolio management 

  • Rebalance templates is now compatible with FA Back 3.22.


  • Outgoing payments now show the correct date format in PAIN.001 files even if you leave the related field blank during the process configuration.


  • The "PM_VIE" role description no longer includes "Generate reports" since these users can't generate reports.