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Automate Payment-Waiting tag in Direct Debit flow


If you need to tag a transaction automatically in Payment-Waiting tag, you can take advantage of the decision table below. This rule is defined to the situations, where the user would like to tag not finished deposit transactions with this tag.

Getting started


  1. Define the rule for the Payment - Direct Debit dynamic group

  2. Open Administer / Decision table administration from Tools menu

  3. Upload rule Excel

  4. Reload rules from document bank

How does the rule work?

When you save a transaction with these rules (Not finished, Deposit transactions, no tag in Payment group, portfolio belongs to Payment - Direct Debit) ,system will automatically add tag Payment-Waiting.

How to customize the rule

Portfolio group

The easiest way to customize the rule is to define the portfolio group to suit for your purposes. Define the rule for the Payment - Direct Debit dynamic group to make it suit to your purpose.

New transaction types

If you have similar deposit transactions with different codes, you can add new rows to this Excel:

  1. Open Excel file

  2. Copy the row with title “Tag not finished deposit transactions with Payment -waiting tag.“

  3. Add your transaction type to column E.

  4. Rename the row title (add for example the transaction type code).

  5. Open the tool from Administer / Decision table administration from Tools menu

  6. Upload Excel

  7. Reload rules from document bank

New conditions

If you need new conditions (columns) to the rule, contact FA.