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Task window

Tasks window allows you to either manually create and modify a task, or manage different process tasks. You can manually create a new task from the the Tasks view, Customers view, or Dashboard's tasks widget. In addition, tasks can be created by different processes defined for you in FA.

Manual tasks

In order to create a task manually, click the New... button next to the filter field under your task list header and select the type of the task you want to create. The task is then defined in the new task window.


The fields available are:


Define a title for the task. The task will be shown with it's defined title in the tasks lists both on the Tasks and Customers views. It is also possible to define default titles to be used for tasks through the Task type preferences.


Choose an assignee for the task. The assignee field will determine to whom the task is assigned, and will then affect in which sections the task is shown on the Tasks view and for which user names (e.g. My tasks, Tasks assigned to me, My completed tasks).


Choose the owner of the task. The owner field will determine the creator of the task, and will show the task in the owner's Tasks created by me list on the Tasks view.

Both the assignee and owner fields contain a list of active FA users, e.g. users and user names that are created as FA users and have the right to log in and use FA. The FA users are identified with their name together with their user name in parentheses. For both fields, your user name is suggested as a default. You can also leave either of the fields empty. If limited visibility or extended limited visibility is enabled, both the assignee and owner fields only list users who have the same role than the logged-in user.

Creation date

Shows the date and time the task was created.

Due date

Define the due date (for open tasks) or completed date (for done tasks), either by writing it to the field or using the calendar icon to choose the date. The selections will determine with what date the task is shown on the Tasks view task listing.


Define a duration for your task in hours and minutes as hh:mm. Duration allows you to define the length of your task, and is useful for meetings, events and other tasks that associate with how long they take in addition to when they occur.


Define a unique reference for your task. This allows you to define an ID for your task - reference is useful especially when synchronizing tasks from one system to another, allowing you to easily identify tasks from each other.

Linked to

This field allows you to link the task to one or multiple contacts saved in FA. When linking a task to for example a customer, the task will be shown in the tasks sections of the Customers view for the linked customer. If you wish to link a task to contacts, enable the contact field if not yet enabled.


Choose a priority for the task from Very low, Low, Normal, High or Very high. The priority allows you to prioritize your tasks, and you can also filter tasks based on their priority.

Task type

The type of the task (defined in the Task type preferences). Selecting the type allows you to categorize your tasks, and the visually distinguish between different types of tasks on the tasks listing. The type of the task is selected when creating the task.


Check the Done box in order to mark a task as completed.


Write a more detailed description for the task if necessary.


In addition, you can also attach files to the task as an addition to your description. Choose a file and upload the file to attach it to the task. For example, you can attach a transaction file to be imported, instructions for how to send out monthly reports, or any other material you want to include in your task.

There are various buttons available at the bottom of the task window

Complete without modifying date

Marks the task as "Done" with the date defined in "When", i.e. completes the task with the originally defined date as the complete date.

Complete now

Marks the task as "Done" and modifies the complete date to be current date and time, i.e. completes the task now.


Saves the changes made to the task.

Process tasks

In addition to being able to create tasks manually, tasks can be created to the tasks lists by different custom processes defined for you in FA. Whereas the manually created tasks follow the above layout, the content of the tasks created through a custom process are also customized.

The process-related tasks support defining which user roles have rights to modify, accept of delete a task. A user has rights for a process-related task if (s)he is the assignee of the task or (s)he has a role defined that is specified as a candidate role for the task within the process definition that created the task. A user can modify the values in the task or click Done or Delete buttons in the task window ONLY IF the user has rights for the task. If a user doesn't have rights for the task, buttons are greyed out and modified values are not saved.

Depending on how the process and process-related task has been defined, the following components might be available.

Process-related tasks can contain / support attachments. Only users that have rights for the process-related task can add or modify attachments of the task.


Process-related tasks can contain attachments, or you can attach files to the task yourself. Download / edit / delete the attachments through the corresponding icons, or choose and upload the file to attach it to the task.

Process-related tasks can support defining details to the task. Only users that have rights for the process-related task can modify the details of the task.


Choose an assignee for the task. The assignee list shows only users that have rights for the process-related task. If limited visibility or extended limited visibility is enabled, the assignee field only list users who have the same role than the logged-in user.


Choose a priority for the task from Very low, Low, Normal, High or Very high.


Define the due date for the task, either by writing it to the field or using the calendar icon to choose the date.

Depending on the type of the process, there are different buttons available at the bottom of the task window:


Marks the current process-related task as done and removes it from open tasks. User can click Done only if the user has rights for the task.

Continue later

Returns the process-related task back to open tasks and saves the filled in information. Filled in data is saved with the Continue later button only if the user has rights for the task.


If available, deletes the task and the running process that created the task. Deleting a running process task is confirmed with a pop up. User can click Delete only if the user has rights for the task.


If available, cancels the started task.