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Portfolio management

FA's core is a transaction-based portfolio management system. Positions are calculated based on transactions. When saving a transaction, position data is updated and report data recalculation is triggered.

In this Portfolio Management section, all the relevant portfolio management components are introduced. In addition, this section describes helper tools for linked to these components.



The portfolio usually belongs to one customer. These system operators are called "contacts" in FA (customer, treasurer, custodian and others).

Add a contact

Portfolios and positions

The portfolio in FA is a basket of investments that can hold stocks, bonds, cash, and other items. These positions have amount (units), purchase price and market price. FA is a transaction-based system, so these positions are built on transactions that are recorded to the system.


In FA the term "security" refers to a financial instrument that has some monetary value.

Manage securities

If your security list grows too long, so that it has some instruments that are not in use anymore, you can hide unused securities:

Hide unused securities

Market prices

Market price is the value that an asset acquires in the market or the value that an investment firm assigns to a particular security. In FA, these prices are used to value positions.

In FA you can:

  • Set market prices manually in UI.

    How to add a new market price

  • Import market prices with a file.

  • Have an automatic price connection to market data provider.

If you have a problem getting market prices in required currency, you can use this helper tool:

How can I do the currency transformation in FA for security


In FA, a transaction is any purchase, exchange, sale, merger, or split of a position. The FA Platform has a set of transaction types for cash and security transactions (see Transaction types for cash transactions and Transaction types for security transactions).

For more information about what transactions are and how to add or import them, see Transactions.

You can

  • Add, edit and delete contacts, portfolios, securities, market prices and transactions

  • Import contacts, portfolios, securities, market prices and transactions with CSV files.

  • Create corporate actions and run the transaction to all customer portfolios at once.

  • View positions and bank account balance (based on the added transactions and market prices).

  • Save documents to your contacts, portfolios, securities and transactions.

  • Search for information through search views.