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Extended search and quick search

The views in FA Back have two search options, extended and quick search, and you can switch between them. The extended search is set as the default search option (see General). We recommend using the extended search for better performance.

You can also filter the content of the columns shown in the views. You can click Show all and filter any of the columns available in the view.

In the Transactions and Trade orders view, you can calculate total sums for numerical columns by enabling the Calculate totals option. The system calculates totals for most of the numerical columns, but this can cause the search to take significantly longer.

Quick search

Quick search is available in every search view. Quick search supports searching with three letters entered in a single field to fetch information.

In most search views (Customers, Contacts, Portfolios, and Securities), the quick search works uses "contains" logic. The system finds matches if any part of your quick search criterion appears in the results.

In the Transactions and Trade orders view, the quick search uses "exact" logic. The system finds matches if your quick search criterion appears exactly in the results. If you want to find partial matches in these views, you can use * or % in your search. For example, you can search "Nokia" (exact), "Nokia*" (starts with), "*Nokia*" (contains), or "*Nokia" (ends with), respectively.

To switch to the extended search, click Show extended search.