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Managing documents

FA allows you to store documents in the system and link them from external sources. Documents are stored under contacts, portfolios, securities, transactions, and trade orders, but you can manage them on the system level in the Administration view, Documents tab. The documents are listed in a table that shows the document name, the document type as an icon, the date, time, and user who last modified the document, and the document tags.

The following section describe how you can search and mass-modify documents on the system level.

Search documents in the system

In the Administration view, Documents tab, you can search for and access documents. You can't view all documents stored in the system at once, but you can search for documents on different levels:

  • Search within a specific folder by selecting the folder by name in the drop-down menu.

  • Search from all documents in the system by selecting the root folder (empty or "/") in the drop-down menu.

You can make your search more specific with the following criteria:

  • Document name. Search for exact (case sensitive) or partial matches. For partial matches (beginning, middle, or end of a file name), use * or %. For example, "Contract*", "*Contract*" or "*Contract", respectively.

  • Document tags. Select tags to search with. This returns all documents with any of the selected tags.

Mass-modify documents

You can mass-modify documents with the buttons at the bottom of the Administration view, Documents tab. For example, you can categorize large numbers of documents quickly by tagging them simultaneously. You can:

  • Delete all currently visible documents by clicking Delete document.

  • Add or remove tags from all currently visible documents by clicking Tag documents. You can add new tags by entering them in the + Document tags field and remove tags by entering them in the - Document tags field.