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Export data as XLS or PDF

Exporting data from the system allows you to extract data from the system, either to use further with a spreadsheet or as "ad-hoc" reporting. You can export the content of all standard search views, such as Overview, Contacts view, Portfolios view, Securities view, Transactions view, Trade orders view, Positions view, Customers view, Analytics+, Accounting or Queries view. All export files contain the data you have visible on the screen with the columns you have selected and the date you have searched. Remember that you can save search views for different pre-selections of data and columns.


XLSX export

The exported file contains the search result visible on the screen with the columns you have selected. (Before FA 3.9, export is done as XLS, not XLSX.) The file is named with the name of the exported view and a time stamp as name_of_the_view_yyyyMMdd.xls (for example, Transactions_current_month_20160301.xlsx).

If your table contains a summary row, like, for example, on the Transactions, Trade orders and Bookkeeping views, the summary row is also included in the exported Excel file.


XLSX export allows you to export at most 50 000 rows at once, ensuring the system can manage exporting your data as an Excel. If you try to export more than 50 000 rows, you will see a warning (available from FA 3.9 onward).

PDF export

PDF export generates a dynamic PDF report out of the data visible in the table. PDF export from search views reacts to your own logo, themes and styles, ensuring that the ecported file looks the same as any standard report you generate.

In addition to the data visible on the screen, the exported PDF indicates the screen you exported your data from, and states the selected dates and selected customer/portfolio from relevant views (Overview, Analytics+, and Queries). The file is named with the name of the exported view and a time stamp as name_of_the_view_yyyyMMdd.pdf (for example, Transactions_current_month_20160301.pdf).


PDF export is done dynamically from the content of your table, and all columns you have visible are fitted horizontally into one page (landscape). Make sure you select a decent number of columns so that they fit nicely on the exported file. If you have more rows than what can vertically fit in one page, your PDF export file will contain multiple pages.

Export data

You can save the data from FA views as XLS or PDF. To do this:

  1. Define a view (instructions for saving a view in FA Back reference: Saving search views ) or use pre-saved views.

  2. Click the Export as PDF overview_pdf.png or Export as XLSX overview_excel.png button at the top-right corner of the view.


The exported file contains the information displayed on the screen: the columns you selected and the date you searched for.
