Launch non-scheduled FX rate updates
The FA system allows you to automate transaction FX rate updates to, for example, realize profit and loss on FX contracts (see Realize profits and losses on FX contracts). You can also launch the FX rate updates manually outside of a defined schedule. To launch FX rate updates manually, do the following:
In FA Back, go to Tools → Update FX rates for transactions with future dates.
Select the date for which FX rates should be updated. FX rates are updated for transactions that meet the following conditions:
Transactions that have any of the transaction types defined in Transaction type codes (see Define FX rate update settings in FA Admin guide).
Transactions with a transaction or settlement date that matches the selected date, depending on your selected settings (see Define FX rate update settings in FA Admin guide).
Click Done.
The system updates the FX rates. As a result, you see a notification that shows the number of successful, unsuccessful, and skipped transactions.