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View the fund portfolio

The fund portfolio is managed in FA Back, but you can view the portfolio positions in the FA Fund management app. To do this, double-click the fund in the NAV status view and open the Portfolio tab. Amounts are shown in the fund currency ("pf") or share class currency ("sec").


By default, the table includes the columns listed in Portfolio position information in the NAV window below. To change which columns are shown, click Columns.


The column values are based on the current day. Some values may not be meaningful when viewed for a single day.

Portfolio position information in the NAV window

The Portfolio tab in the NAV overview shows the following information about the fund portfolio positions.


List of positions in your portfolio shown as a position’s security name or an account name.


Number of units or account balance.

Market unit price (pf)

Market unit price in portfolio currency.

Market price date

The date for which the market unit price is fetched.

Change %

Unit price change since last NAV calculation as a percentage.

Market value (pf, clean)

Market value of the position excluding accrued interest.

Accrued interest

Accrued interest for the position.

Market value (pf, dirty)

Market value of the position including accrued interest, in portfolio currency.

Currency (sec)

The currency of the position security.