Send reports via email
FA allows you to send reports as an email directly from the system. Reports are attached to an email and sent to the email addresses defined in the system for your contacts or portfolios. You can send reports via email from:
Report window. You can select "Report per portfolio via email" to generate one report per portfolio and send it to the portfolio reporting email addresses, "Report per customer via email" to generate an aggregate report of a contact's portfolios and send it to the email addresses linked to the portfolios.
Saved tabs in the Overview. You can select a report and send it to any email address you define by clicking the email icon
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Define the email information
Use the following fields to define the report email information:
- Selected template
The template you want to use in your email. The template you select is remembered and suggested to you the next time you send an email.
- From (name)
The name of the email sender.
- From (email address)*
The email address of the email sender (defined by FA when email reporting is enabled).
- Reply to*
The email address the replies will be sent to.
- Send to
Email address to which the report is sent. Only available when you send a report via email from a saved tab in the Overview. If you are viewing a report for a single portfolio or a contact with a single portfolio, the system fetches the portfolio reporting email. If the portfolio has no reporting email defined or you are viewing a report for a customer or group with multiple portfolios and different emails, the system does not fetch the email.
- Title*
Email title. By default, the title of the email is the name of the report type chosen.
- Content
Content of your email. The email content also supports dynamically filling in customer/portfolio data from FA with specific keys and syntax. To dynamically fill in data from FA to your email content, wrap appropriate keys around two percentage signs with syntax "%%key%%" in your email content. For example, if you want to fill in your customer's name into your document template, write "" in your document in the place you want to add the customer's name to. Contact FA for more details on the available keys.
- Enable HTML content / HTML editor
When enabled, allows you to define your email content as HTML and also to edit your HTML content with an HTML editor.
- File format
File format in which the report you are viewing is sent. Only available when sending a report via email from a saved tab in the Overview.
You can also define default email settings to be used as a template for defining a new email. The email template and default values of the fields can be defined in Preference - Email.
The following buttons are available:
- Attachment
Allows you to add additional files to be attached to the email together with the report you are sending. The added attachment(s) will be attached to every email sent through the report via email functionality.
- Cancel
Closes the email window without sending an email
- Submit
Submits the email defined.
Send the report
When sending reports via email from the Report window:
For "Report per portfolio via email", the email is sent to the email addresses listed in the Portfolio window, Reporting tab.
For "Report per customer via email", the email is sent to the email addresses in the Contact window, Addresses tab.
We recommend making the text content of the email general if you are sending multiple reports simultaneously. The same email content is sent to all recipients. When you send reports via email, they are shown in the Report window, Generated reports tab.
When sending reports via email from the saved tabs in the Overview, the report you selected is sent to the email address you define.