Transaction types for security transactions
This document lists all standard security types and their transaction types. If the treatment of a type of security involves special treatment, that article is also linked here.
Transaction types for Collective investment vehicles (C)
All shared transaction types are linked to options
Type code | Name | Description |
RED | Redemption | Sales transaction. |
SUB | Subscription | Purchase transaction. |
MFEE | Management fee | This type is used to record security’s management fee. These transaction types are linked to standard management fee formulas. Note! that this is most commonly used in Fund Management purposes in security level. |
PFEE | Performance fee | This type is used to record security’s management fee. These transaction types are linked to standard management fee formulas. Note! that this is most commonly used in Fund Management purposes in security level. |
UC | Unit certificate | This type is used by the Fund Management app when a unit certificate is created. |
DIV | Dividend | Dividend paid out by the fund. This type is meant to be used with external funds. |
FMDIV | Fund dividend | Dividend paid out by the fund. This type is used for dividends added in FA Fund Management for the funds that you manage in FA. |
FMEXCH | Fund exchange | Fund exchange is used when fund share class units are exchanged to units of another share class without realizing profits. Fund exchange is done at the end of the day, unlike the Exchange transaction type listed above. |
FMMRG | Fund merge | Fund merge is used when a fund share class is merged with another (without realizing profits). Fund merge has the same effect as Fund exchange. It can be used to separate merges for reporting. |
FUNEXCH | Fund exchange realized accrual | Fund exchange realized accrual is used to support booking exchanges between share classes so that income distribution is considered correctly. It lets you realize accrual of the old position and simultaneously receive accrual in the new fund when doing an exchange. |
EQCR | Equalization credit | This type is used in compensation orders when using Performance fee equalization and NAV (without performance fee) is greater than HWM at the time of the subscription. |
EQDE | Equalization debit | This type is used in compensation orders when using Performance fee equalization and NAV (without performance fee) is smaller than HWM at the time of the subscription. |
HDG | Accrued FX Hedge | This type is used in Fund management with FX hedged share classes to record accrued FX hedge. Linked to FX hedge formula. |
FMDEP | Deposit - Fund | This type is used in fund management to indicate the money received from subscriptions to the fund portfolio. |
FMDEPNP | Deposit - Fund (not paid) | This type is used similarly to FMDEP, but to indicate that the fund subscription has not been paid yet. |
FMWD | Withdrawal - Fund | This type is used in fund management to allocate money to be paid for redemptions of the fund portfolio. |
FMWDNP | Withdrawal - Fund (not paid) | This type is used similarly to FMWD, but to indicate that the fund redemption has not been paid out yet. |
FMDWD | Dividend withdrawal - Fund | This type is used in fund management when the paid dividend (cash) will be taken out from the fund and paid to the shareholders. |
ITX | Accrued tax debt for income | This type is used to book accrued tax debt for income distribution. |
ID | Income distribution | This type is used to book income distribution. |
Transaction types for Debt instruments (D)
All shared transaction types +
Type code | Name | Description |
COLL | Collateral marked | Used for collateral markup for repurchase agreements. |
COUP | Coupon | Used in situations where the debt instrument position incurs profits. |
DAI | Deferral of accrued interest | Used for deferring accrued interest for accounting purposes. |
DBPP | Deferral of bond purchase price | Used for deferring bond purchase price for accounting purposes. |
Transaction types for Equity (E) and Exchange-traded funds ((ETFs) (CE)
All shared transaction types +
Type code | Name | Description |
CAPR | Capital return | Capital return |
DIV | Dividend | Dividend |
DIVAS | Dividend as shares | Dividend as shares |
EXCHISS | Exchange (issue) | Exchange (issue) |
SPO | Spin-off | Used to record a spin-off, where the portfolio is issued shares in a security based on their existing position in another security. |
SUBS | Exercise subscription right | Used to exercise a subscription right. This removes the subscription right and adds the equity. |
SUBSC | Exercise subscription right (C) | Used to exercise a subscription right. This removes the subscription right and adds the equity. |
Transaction types for Forwards (J)
Its cash-flow is calculated differently
Opening transaction has no cashflow
Closing transaction’s cash-flow is the realized P/L + costs
Open trade amount in the position is re-valuated daily with that day’s FX rate
TWR is calculated against “exposure” instead of market value
Positions are opened with Buy open / Sell open and closed with Sell close / Buy close
Note! FX Forwards are handled as contracts
Type code | Name | Description |
BUYC | Buy close (FWD) | Buy close (FWD) |
BUYO | Buy open (FWD) | Buy open (FWD) |
SELLC | Sell close (FWD) | Sell close (FWD) |
SELLO | Sell open (FWD) | Sell open (FWD) |
Transaction types for Futures (F)
All shared transaction types are linked to futures.
Trading is done using buy and sell transactions.
Purchase value adjustment and variation margin change are used in margin management (see Futures with margin accounts).
Type code | Name | Description |
FUTVAAD | Purchase value adjustment | The purchase value adjustment transaction type is used in mark-to-market. It adjusts the purchase values of the future position to reflect changes in the variation margin. |
FUTVARMARG | Variation margin change | The variation margin change transaction type is used in mark-to-market accounting. It adjusts the margin account balance. |
Transaction types for FX Contract (FXCONTRACT)
Only transaction type for FX Contract is Contract Add (CADD); it does not have any transaction effects
Transaction types for Options (O/Listed options, H/Non-listed and complex listed options)
All shared transaction types +
Use transaction types Buy and Sell when opening options positions.
You can read more about options in Options.
Type code | Name | Description |
EXCC | Exercise call | Exercise call option |
EXCP | Exercise put | Exercise put option |
Transaction types for Private Equity (PE)
PECALL | PE - Call | Capital call on Private Equity that has no market price defined in the security level. That is, investments are tracked in cash (not units) and valuations are set using transactions. Adds paid in capital and also reduces remaining commitment. |
PERCALL | PE - Return of call | Return of capital call on Private Equity that has no market price defined in the security level. That is, investments are tracked in cash (not units) and valuations are set using transactions. Reduces paid in capital and also adds remaining commitment (cancels out the effects of a call). |
PECOMMIT | PE - Commit | Committing capital on Private Equity that has no market price defined in the security level. That is, investments are tracked in cash (not units) and valuations are set using transactions. |
PECOST | PE - Cost | Cost recorded against the Private Equity investment. Cost is added to the purchase value but does not affect commitment nor market value. Affects the return in TWR calculation. |
PEPROFIT | PE - Profit | Profit recorded against the Private Equity investment. Does not affect commitment nor market value. Considered as return in TWR calculation. |
PEPROFITMVC | PE - Profit with market value change | Profit recorded against the private equity investment. Does not affect commitment, but reduces market value. Is considered as return in TWR. |
PECR | PE - Return of capital | Capital return on the Private Equity investment (not recallable, considered as distribution). |
PECRRECALL | PE - Return of capital, recallable | Capital return on the Private Equity investment (recallable, not considered as distribution). |
PEVAL | PE - Value change | Total value change of your Private Equity investment in your portfolio compared to the latest NAV. Increases / decreases the market value of your private equity investment by the trade amount of the transaction. The value changes can be either negative or positive, depending on what the value change has been. |
PEBUY | PE - Buy | When buying an existing Private Equity. The purchase amount (units) is added to total commitment. The additional remaining commitment needs to be recorded separately with a PE - Commit transaction. |
PESELL | PE - Sell | When selling an existing Private Equity to someone else. The commitment needs to be removed separately with a PE - Commit transaction. |
PEADD | PE - Add | Transaction type for handling transfers of positions between portfolios. |
PEREM | PE - Remove | Transaction type for handling transfers of positions between portfolios. |
PECOMTRANS | PE - Transfer of commitment | Transaction type for handling transfers of positions between portfolios including commitment. |
Transaction types for Entitlements (rights) (R)
All shared transaction types are linked to options
Type code | Name |
SRI | Subscription rights issue |
SRIC | Subsription rights issue (C) |
Transaction types for Reference instrument (T)
Type code | Name | Description |
ADD | Add | Adding a security to the portfolio. |
REM | Remove | Removing a security from portfolio. |
B | Buy | Purchase of a security |
S | Sell | Selling a security |
Transaction types for Real Estate (RE)
Type code | Name | Description |
ADD | Add | Adding a security to the portfolio. |
REPAYLOAN | Loan repayment | |
INT | Interest | Profit transaction, in this case added as negative value |
COST | Cost | Cost transaction |
Transaction types for Loans (LOAN)
Type code | Name | Description |
INT | Interest | Profit transaction, in this case added as negative value = negative profit. |
COST | Cost | Cost transaction |