Set up Stamdata 2 market data connector
Stamdata 2 is an integration with Stamdata API. This is a newer API compared to the one used in the regular Stamdata integration.
This integration can be used to:
Update or create securities: reference instruments (INDEX) and debt instruments (BOND).
Get the price history of these securities. Note that the price history for a security can be fetched only every 5 minutes. This limitation is set by Stamdata.
The integration uses the following endpoints:
Setting up
To set up the Stamdata 2 market data connector:
Enable the Stamdata 2 connection in Tools→Administer→Market data connectors:
For the market data, choose which Close field to use and open the respective tab. If there's already a connector defined for a Close field, remove the existing connector, click Add provider and select "Stamdata 2".
For the security reference data only (see Security data connectors), open the Reference data providers tab.
Enter the API keys you received from Stamdata. If Stamdata provided only one API key, enter it in the API Key (All) field. If you received more than one key, enter the keys in the API Key (Index), API Key (Bond prices) and API Key (Bond reference data) fields, and leave the API Key (All) field empty.
Click Done.