Import positions in a custom CSV file
This sample shows how you can use Camel route and data mapping to import a custom CSV file with portfolio positions to FA. The highlights of the sample are:
Reading a tab-delimited CSV file and converting it to a semicolon-separated file for data mapping.
Creating a data mapping from the received file's format to FA position import format.
Feeding the semicolon-separated file to data mapper and further to the position import process.
Starting point
You have a tab-separated CSV file custom_positions.csv
that looks like this:
PORTFOLIO PRODUCT CURR IDENTIFICATION OFFER VOLUME INFOXYZ ZDATE 1000952 FI0010805360 SEK DOOBA 24 100.250000 1100000.000000 100.300000 2022-02-10 1000952 NO0012675485 SEK VARENNE RB 3 0 275400.000000 100.045098 2022-02-10
You need to import the positions to FA. The standard FA file format for importing positions (semicolon-separated) looks like this:
portfolio;security;currency;amount;date 1000952;FI0010805360;SEK;1100000.000000;2022-02-10 1000952;NO0012675485;SEK;275400.000000;2022-02-10
Camel route to change CSV delimiter and feed the file to data mapping
The Camel route below:
Reacts to all files with the name that ends with
) placed in the/integrations/customFiles/
directory.Reads the original file using Camel's CSV file format and tab ("	") as a delimiter.
Archives the original file in the monthly folders after processing (
).Feeds the processed file in the position import mapping directory and adds the mapping name to processed file name extension (
<routes xmlns=""> <route id="customPositionsImportMapping"> <from uri="file:{{back.writable.dir}}/integrations/customFiles/?antInclude=*positions.csv&autoCreate=true&charset=iso-8859-1&readLock=changed&readLockCheckInterval=5000&moveFailed=.failed&move=./history/${date:now:MM_yyyy}/${file:onlyname}"/> <unmarshal> <csv delimiter="	" ignoreSurroundingSpaces="true" ignoreEmptyLines="true"/> </unmarshal> <marshal> <csv skipHeaderRecord="false" delimiter=";"/> </marshal> <to uri="file:{{back.writable.dir}}/positionImport/mapped/?autoCreate=true&fileName=${file:onlyname.noext}.custom-mapping.${file:ext}&charset=iso-8859-1"/> </route> </routes>
Data mapping
Data mapping receives the semicolon-separated CSV file custom_positions.custom-mapping.csv
that looks as follows:
PORTFOLIO;PRODUCT;CURR;IDENTIFICATION;OFFER;VOLUME;INFOXYZ;ZDATE 1000952;FI0010805360;SEK;DOOBA 24;100.250000;1100000.000000;100.300000;2022-02-10 1000952;NO0012675485;SEK;VARENNE RB 3;0;275400.000000;100.045098;2022-02-10
Before using the route, you need to configure the data mapping in FA Back. Data mapping creation is described in Import files in custom CSV formats to the system. Enter the custom-mapping
preference key and import the following custom-mapping
definition in the Data mapping window:
[{"rowNr":"1","extCode":"PORTFOLIO","valueMapping":"","FAField":"portfolio","customScript":""}, {"rowNr":"2","extCode":"VOLUME","valueMapping":"","FAField":"amount","customScript":""}, {"rowNr":"3","extCode":"CURR","valueMapping":"","FAField":"currency","customScript":""}, {"rowNr":"4","extCode":"ZDATE","valueMapping":"","FAField":"date","customScript":""}, {"rowNr":"5","extCode":"PRODUCT","valueMapping":"","FAField":"security","customScript":""}]
Position import
After the custom_positions.custom-mapping.csv
file is run through the custom-mapping
, you receive an outcome file that follows FA file format for importing positions.