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Create a reconciliation file

If your custodian provides the reconciliation data in any other format than MT535, you need to transform the data into the standard FA format first.

FA reconciliation file format

The reconciliation file in FA format is a CSV file with the following characteristics:

  • The default field separator is a semicolon. You can configure FA to accept files with a different separator. The separator must be only one character.

  • The record separator must be \r\n (CRLF).

  • Numbers must use "." (point) as a decimal separator and no thousands separator.

  • If the file contains non-standard characters, the encoding must be ISO-8859-1.

  • File name can be any.

The FA reconciliation needs to contain the following fields (use the field names as headers on the first row):

  • portfolio: Portfolio ID (as seen in the Portfolio window in FA Back).

  • date: Date in the yyyy-MM-dd format (having two or more different dates in the file results in an error task and the file isn't processed).

  • amount: Position amount or account balance.

  • security: Any of securityCode / isin / tradeCode / updateCode1 / updateCode2 / updateCode3 is supported (either this or account is mandatory).

  • account: Account number.

  • currency: Optional. It’s recommended to include currency in the reconciliation file - the system uses this information to match positions and cash accounts in different currencies, in case they have the same ID or account number.

  • tradeAmountPf: Optional. Position purchase value in portfolio currency.

  • tradeAmount: Optional. Position purchase value in security currency.

  • marketTradeAmountPf: Optional. Position market value in portfolio currency.

  • marketTradeAmount: Optional. Position market value in security currency.

Download the CSV file example:
