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Enable features for users

You can enable or restrict various features for the user in FA Client Portal. The following sections explain the process of enabling and restricting features for users in FA Client Portal.

Hide subportfolios

You can hide subportfolios from the user in FA Client Portal. Hidden subportfolios are removed from the portfolio selector, but all figures are still aggregated into the parent portfolio. For more information on portfolio summaries in FA Client Portal, see Overview.

To hide subportfolios from the Client Portal, assign the "Client Portal: Hide sub portfolio" tag to the subportfolio in FA Back (Portfolio window, Basic info tab).

Make documents available

You can provide access to the uploaded documents or documents available on the Internet by linking them:

  • To make documents available in FA Client Portal, upload them in FA Back and save them with the "Online" tag. To make documents related to specific securities available to the FA Client Portal user, upload them in the Security window, Documents tab, and add the "Online" tag to them. The documents are then listed below the prospectus and KID in FA Client Portal.

  • To make a security prospectus available to the user in FA Client Portal, add the link to it in FA Back (Security window, URL field).

  • To make a security KID available to the user in FA Client Portal, add the link to it in FA Back (Security window, URL 2 field).

For more information on documents in FA Client Portal, see Documents view.

Enable trading and switching fund positions

If you want to allow the user to trade in FA Client Portal, you need to enable trading on the portfolio and security level and specify the trading method:

  • To enable trading for a portfolio, add the "Client Portal: Trade" tag to it in FA Back (Portfolio window, Basic info tab). For more information on trading in FA Client Portal, see Trading view.

  • To enable buying and selling for a security, add the "Tradeable" tag to it in FA Back (Security window, Other tags field). The user can only trade securities with this tag. For more information on buying and selling in FA Client Portal, see Buying and selling securities.

  • To enable the user to switch a fund position to another fund, add the "Tradeable" and "Switchable" tags to the security in FA Back (Security window, Other tags field). For more information on switching fund position in FA Client Portal, see Switching fund positions.

  • To enable trading in units and trade amount, add the "Trade type: Buy units, Sell units, Buy trade amount, Sell trade amount" tags to a security in FA Back (Security window, Basic info tab).

Restrict securities available for trading

You can define which securities the user can trade per portfolio. For example, you can allow buying, selling, or switching only certain security types for a certain portfolio. To restrict trading in FA Client Portal to specific securities, do the following:

To restrict trading in FA Client Portal to specific securities only, do the following:

  1. Create a security group with the group code prefix "CP" in FA Back. For example, you can create a group for equities with the code "CP_ EQUITY". For details on how to create security groups, see Groups view.

  2. Link the security group to the user's portfolio in Portfolio window, Security groups tab in FA Back (see Portfolio window).

  3. Add the "Tradeable" tag to all securities in the group in FA Back (Security window, Other tags field).

Enable canceling trade orders

To enable the user to cancel trade orders with Open or Accepted status, add the "Client portal: Cancel orders" tag to the portfolio in FA Back (Portfolio window, Basic info tab). For more information on trade orders in FA Client Portal, see Orders view.

Enable deposits and withdrawals

To set up deposits and withdrawals for the user, do the following:

  1. Add the "Client portal: Deposit" and "Client portal: Withdraw" tags to the user's portfolio in FA Back (Portfolio window, Basic info tab).

  2. Mark portfolio accounts to use for deposits and withdrawals in FA Client Portal. To do this, open the Portfolio window, Accounts tab in FA Back, and set the following properties for the accounts:

    • Portfolio cash accounts: set the account category to "Internal".

    • Accounts to deposit funds from: set the account category to "External".

    • Accounts to withdraw funds to: set the account category to "External".

If you define multiple external accounts in the user's portfolio, FA Client Portal shows the Deposit from and Withdraw to fields in the Deposit and Withdrawal windows, where the user can choose the external account to use. For more information on deposits and withdrawals in FA Client Portal, see Deposits and withdrawals.

Enable monthly investments and monthly savings

To enable monthly investments for the user:

  1. Follow the Set up monthly investments instructions in FA Admin guide to define the trade order generation details.

  2. Add the "Client portal: Monthly investments" tag to the client's portfolio in FA Back (Portfolio window, Basic info tab).

To enable monthly savings for the user, add the "Client portal: Monthly savings" tag to the client's portfolio in FA Back (Portfolio window, Basic info tab).

The user can only set up investment or savings plans for portfolios with the required tag. For more information on monthly investments and monthly savings in FA Client Portal, see Monthly investments in FA Client Portal and Monthly savings in FA Client Portal.