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Available columns for transaction listingsaccru

For transactions and trade orders in Transactions and Trade orders views and the transaction listings on the Overview and Positions view, the available columns include all fields from the Transaction and Trade order window, certain columns from security, contact and portfolio, as well as the following columns documented in this article.

Name (ENG)

Name (FI)

Name (SWE)



Cashflow (PF)

Cashflow (ACC)

Cashflow (expected)

Cashflow (expected, PF)

Cashflow (expected, ACC)


Kassavirta salkun valuutassa

Kassavirta tilin valuutassa

Kassavirta (odotettu)

Kassavirta salkun valuutassa (odotettu)

Kassavirta tilin valuutassa (odotettu)


Pengaflöde (PF)

Pengaflöde (konto)

Pengaflöde (förväntat)

Pengaflöde (förväntat, PF)

Pengaflöde (förväntat, konto)

Shows the cashflow (positive or negative) that the transaction inflicts on the linked account in security currency, in portfolio currency (PF) or in account currency (ACC). In addition, for transactions not linked to an account, you can follow the cashflow that would occur if transaction were linked to an account (expected).




Shows the contract details of a contract. The content of the column depends on the contract type, but shows the relevant details of your contract, including dates, currencies, cashflows and FX rates.

Ex-post costs

One-off charges (PF)

Transaction charges (PF)

Ancilliary service charges (PF)

Incidental charges (PF)

Other costs 1 (PF)

Other costs 2 (PF)

Other costs 3 (PF)

Other costs 4 (PF)

Other costs 5 (PF)

Ex-post kulut

Kertaluonteiset kulut (salkku)

Jatkuvaluonteiset kulut (salkku)

Tapahtumiin liittyvät kulut (salkku)

Oheispalveluihin liittyvät kulut (salkku)

Satunnaiset kulut (salkku)

Muut kulut 1 (salkku)

Muut kulut 2 (salkku)

Muut kulut 3 (salkku)

Muut kulut 4 (salkku)

Muut kulut 5 (salkku)

Ex-post kostnader

Engångskostnader (PF)

Löpande kostnader (PF)

Kostnader för transaktioner (PF)

Kostnader för stödtjänster (PF)

Tillfälliga kostnader (PF)

Andra kostnader 1 (PF)

Andra kostnader 2 (PF)

Andra kostnader 3 (PF)

Andra kostnader 4 (PF)

Andra kostnader 5 (PF)

Total sum of transaction costs or cost transactions categorized as investment service costs, divided into cost categories. All cost values are available in security/transaction currency (PF), portfolio currency (PF, PF), and account currency (ACC, PF).

If the column name only includes one abbreviation (PF), that indicates the category "investment service costs" and the values are shown in security currency. If the column name (in English) includes two abbreviations, they are stated in order (currency, category).

Ex-post costs

One-off charges (sec)

On-going charges (sec)

Transaction charges (sec)

Ancilliary service charges (sec)

Incidental charges (sec)

Other costs 1 (sec)

Other costs 2 (sec)

Other costs 3 (sec)

Other costs 4 (sec)

Other costs 5 (sec)

Ex-post kulut

Kertaluonteiset kulut (ap)

Jatkuvaluonteiset kulut (ap)

Tapahtumiin liittyvät kulut (ap)

Oheispalveluihin liittyvät kulut (ap)

Satunnaiset kulut (ap)

Muut kulut 1 (ap)

Muut kulut 2 (ap)

Muut kulut 3 (ap)

Muut kulut 4 (ap)

Muut kulut 5 (ap)

Ex-post kostnader

Engångskostnader (vp)

Löpande kostnader (vp)

Kostnader för transaktioner (vp)

Kostnader för stödtjänster (vp)

Tillfälliga kostnader (vp)

Andra kostnader 1 (vp)

Andra kostnader 2 (vp)

Andra kostnader 3 (vp)

Andra kostnader 4 (vp)

Andra kostnader 5 (vp)

Total sum of transaction costs or cost transactions categorized as product costs, divided into cost categories. All cost values are available in security/transaction currency (sec), portfolio currency (PF, sec), and account currency (ACC, sec).

If the column name only includes one abbreviation (sec), that indicates the category "product costs" and the values are shown in security currency. If the column name (in English) includes two abbreviations, they are stated in order (currency, category).

Ex-post costs

One-off charges (3rd)

On-going charges (3rd)

Transaction charges (3rd)

Ancilliary service charges (3rd)

Incidental charges (3rd)

Other costs 1 (3rd)

Other costs 2 (3rd)

Other costs 3 (3rd)

Other costs 4 (3rd)

Other costs 5 (3rd)

Ex-post kulut

Kertaluonteiset kulut (3rd)

Jatkuvaluonteiset kulut (3rd)

Tapahtumiin liittyvät kulut (3rd)

Oheispalveluihin liittyvät kulut (3rd)

Satunnaiset kulut (3rd)

Muut kulut 1 (3rd)

Muut kulut 2 (3rd)

Muut kulut 3 (3rd)

Muut kulut 4 (3rd)

Muut kulut 5 (3rd)

Ex-post kostnader

Engångskostnader (3rd)

Löpande kostnader (3rd)

Kostnader för transaktioner (3rd)

Kostnader för transaktioner (3rd)

Kostnader för stödtjänster (3rd)

Tillfälliga kostnader (3rd)

Andra kostnader 1 (3rd)

Andra kostnader 2 (3rd)

Andra kostnader 3 (3rd)

Andra kostnader 4 (3rd)

Andra kostnader 5 (3rd)

Total sum of transaction costs or cost transactions categorized as third party payments, divided into cost categories. All cost values are available in security/transaction currency (3rd), portfolio currency (PF, 3rd), and account currency (ACC, 3rd).

If the column name only includes one abbreviation (3rd), that indicates the category "third party payments" and the values are shown in security currency. If the column name includes two abbreviations (in English), they are stated in order (currency, category).

Gross price

Gross price (PF)

Kaupan bruttohinta noteerausvaluutassa

Kaupan bruttohinta salkun valuutassa


Bruttopris (PF)

Shows the price of the transaction without costs, taxes or accrued interests either in security/transaction currency or in portfolio currency (PF).




Shows the database ID of the transaction (not used within the user interface).

Last modified

Viimeksi muokattu

Senast ändrad

Shows the date and time when the transaction was last modified as a timestamp in the format yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.

(Available from FA 3.7 onward)




Shows the price, or amount * unit price, of the transaction.




If settlements with SWIFT is set up, this column includes the SWIFT message for a transaction.

Trade amount

Trade amount (PF)

Trade amount (ACC)


Kauppahinta salkun valuutassa

Kauppahinta tilin valuutassa


Summa (PF)

Summa (konto)

Shows the trade amount of the transaction (e.g. including all costs and taxes) either in security/transaction currency, in portfolio currency (PF), or in account currency (ACC).

Unit price (desc.)

Yks. hinta (des.)

Pris per st (beskr)

Shows the unit price of the transaction with all available decimals, not restricting the amount of decimals to only show two.

Additional details on transaction listing columns:

  • Some columns showing transaction dates or values end with the abbreviation (ef.). These columns show effective values, e.g. the columns show the corresponding values based on the booked transaction information, if defined, and based on transaction information, if booked values have not been defined. The columns without (ef.) show values as they are defined for the transaction in the corresponding field.

  • Some columns showing values end with abbreviations (ACC) or (PF). These columns show values in account currency or in portfolio currency, while the column without the abbreviation shows values in transaction / security currency.