SIE Export
Overview to SIE export
The SIE format is an open standard for transferring accounting data between different software produced by different software suppliers. SIE can be used to transfer data between different software on the same computer (for example between portfolio management system and accounting system), but also for sending data between companies, for example between asset manager and accountant.
SIE export process allows you to export your accounting material, or bookkeeping postings, from FA in SIE format. This allows you to export your bookkeeping postings from FA and import them into your accounting system, if your accounting system supports the SIE format.
How to use SIE export
When installed and configured, SIE export is available on the Bookkeeping view. You can use the SIE export through the following steps:
Open the Bookkeeping view and search for the postings you want to export. Search for postings with status "Ready" (i.e. postings that have not been exported and reported yet).
Click the SIE Export button at the bottom of the screen.
SIE Export process creates a .se text file of the searched postings (which have status "Ready" - postings with other statuses are not included in the SIE file). You can download the file from the window or from the Completed tasks view after closing the process. Upload it to your accounting system.
After you have downloaded the file, click Done, and the process marks the postings included in the SIE export file as "Reported". This allows you to keep track which postings you have already exported into your accounting system. Alternatively, you can click Cancel, which closes the window without changing the postings' status.
You can find an example .se files from the attachments, generated with SIE export process from example data. There are two versions attached - has been created with version 1.1. of the process, and has been created with version 1.2 of the process after a major change in the specification of the SIE format.
Technical details
Configurations for SIE export
SIE Export process is available for you to install from FA AppStore as part of the Accounting module. In order for the process to work, you need to have certain configurations in place.
Process configurations allow you to define:
Company name, which is picked up for the #FNAMN item in the output. Company name is a mandatory configuration for SIE export.
- Company name
Picked up for the #FNAMN item in the output. Company name is a mandatory configuration for SIE export.
- Dimensions in the output
Define the code you want to use for the available dimensions - if you configure a code for a certain dimension, it will be included as a #DIM item in the output, and the corresponding data from FA is fetched as an #OBJEKT item in the output. Fields that are left blank are not included in the output. Available dimensions are:
Contact ID
Portfolio type code
Portfolio short name
Asset manager contact ID
Portfolio short name with transaction extId
Security name
Security ISIN code
Security currency
Transaction FX rate
Item types included in the file
SIE export from FA includes the following item types in the output, as specified by SIE format:
Item type | Description |
#FLAGGA #PROGRAM #FORMAT #GEN #SIETYP | Automatically filled in. |
#FNAMN | "Company name" from process configurations. |
#KONTO | Bookkeeping accounts from the reporeted postings (as defined in "Account set" Preferences). |
#DIM #OBJEKT | Dimensions are generated with the codes you defined in process configurations, and the corresponding data is fetched from FA as objects. |
#VER #TRANS | Verification item indicates a transaction which postings are reported, and transaction items below it include the actual postings reported. |
SIE Export API
The SIE Export process may be run normally via the user interface, or via the SIE Export API. The SIE Export API includes search parameters for defining which postings to export, and runs the SIE Export process against the search results. In place of search parameters (e.g. a date range and portfolio ID), the SIE Export API can alternatively take a list of posting IDs. If posting IDs are given, those are used directly and no search is performed.
The SIE Export API returns the generated text file and then, if the API's "report" parameter is "true", marks the postings as "Reported". If a blank or "false" "reported" parameter is selected, the postings are not marked.