Create initial investment for the fund
Add the initial investment transactions in the shareholder portfolios and the netted cash transaction in the fund portfolio to include them in the first NAV (total AUM + outstanding shares):
Make sure you entered the initial unit price (Initial price) and price date (Date of initial price) in the Share class wizard when creating share classes.
Create subscription transactions in FA Back. Go to New → New transaction → Collective investment vehicles in FA Back and fill in the fields:
Portfolio – Portfolio of the client who subscribes to the fund.
Security – Fund share class.
Account – The account from which the payment is made.
Transaction date, Settlement date – Transaction date and settlement date must be later than the date of the initial price you set in step 1.
Transaction type – Transaction type: Subscription (SUB).
Amount – The number of fund units.
Unit price – Share class until price (enter "?" to fetch the price that you set in the Share class wizard).
Create a deposit transaction into the fund portfolio. Right-click the fund portfolio in the portfolio hierarchy in FA Back and choose New transaction → Collective investment vehicles. Fill in the fields:
Portfolio – Fund portfolio.
Security - Fund share class.
Transaction type – Transaction type: Depost - Fund (FMDEP).
Transaction date and Settlement date – Transaction date and settlement date must be the same as in the subscription transactions.
Amount – Total sum received from subscriptions you created in the previous step.
Unit price – "1".
Status – Transaction status: "Accepted".
Now your fund is set up. You can receive client orders, calculate NAV, and pay out dividends.